**COMPLETED*** This is book 2 and can be read as a standalone but I recommend you read "Fated" first.
Something caught my eye and when I looked up in the mirror I saw Rykan stepping inside, shutting the door and sliding the lock in place. My heart...
I blinked a few times and frowned, glancing around the room and feeling disoriented. Why did I wake up? A thud had me stiffening. That sounded like it was in the bedroom. My heart stopped and I listened closely as footsteps approached the door. The doorknob jiggled and I sat up, holding my knees to my chest.
"Kora?" Evan's voice came through the door.
I couldn't answer. I didn't even know what to say.
"They're gone and I'm..." He sighed. "I've sobered up."
Trusting him was not an option so I stayed quiet.
"I'm sorry, Kora. I'm so sorry. I hope you know I never would've... I never... It wouldn't have gone that far. I hope you know that."
He sounded genuinely distraught but he had nothing on how awful I felt. I didn't believe for one second nothing would've happened if I hadn't locked myself in here.
"You showed them pictures of me," I said, the tears stinging my eyes once again. "And you let him say those things to me."
"I'm so sorry," he sighed. "I was drunk and stupid and I'm so so sorry."
I didn't know what to say to him. Sorry wasn't enough and it never would be. So I stayed quiet and he didn't speak again. It was quiet for a long time and I wasn't sure if he was even still there.
"Do you have electronic copies of your mom's MRI scans?" I asked as loudly as my sore throat would let me.
"Yes... Why?" He asked.
"Send them to me," I said.
"Just send them to me."
He grew quiet and I heard movement which made me tense again. The movement stopped and I felt my phone vibrate in my bra. I pulled it out, finding an email from him with the scans attached. I forwarded it to Francesca, typing a message and sending it off.
After what Rykan said, I didn't expect a response for a while but my phone went off less than an hour later. I opened her message and relief flooded me as her message was positive. She stated there was a risk, a chance that trying would end her life now instead of in a few weeks. I knew Fiona very well and I knew exactly what she would say. She would try. It was better than waiting to die. Same thing she said to me when I was scared to do my treatments because of how sick they would make me.
Thinking about her reminded me we were supposed to visit her in just a couple hours. I desperately needed to shower. I got myself standing, wincing at how stiff I was from sitting so tensely on the hard floor all night. I made sure the lock was in place before undressing and getting in.
Working through what I had to say to Evan wasn't easy. It wasn't supposed to be like this but that was it. I couldn't do this with him anymore. I wouldn't stay another hour in the house more than I had to.
Finishing my shower, I made sure my robe was securely wrapped around me, even leaving the towel wrapped around me underneath. My hand hesitated over the doorknob because I was still scared to walk out there. I took a deep breath and opened the door, finding the room exactly how I'd left it except for Evan sitting on the floor by the bathroom door with his head in his hands.
"Kora," he said, scrambling to his feet. "I'm sorry. I swear I-"
"How did you get in here?" I asked, frowning because the door was still tightly shut with the door bracing it.
"Ladder," he said, nodding to the window.
Oh. Shit. I could've really been in trouble last night. I didn't even think to lock the window on the second floor.
"Kora, I don't even know what to say. I'm so sorry. They are never coming here again, George especially, I prom-"
"You don't get to talk," I snapped, holding my robe tightly. "We have to go visit your mother. We aren't riding together and we aren't pretending to be together anymore. I'm done. Completely done. I refuse to let you touch me because you're uncomfortable telling them about us. Either you'll tell them or I will and I will give a lot of details, Evan. A lot. So decide on the drive over what you're going to say. And take a shower, you look like shit."
I was glad I was angry. Angry was better than sad. It gave me what I needed to be cold to him and cold is what I had to be right now. I almost wanted pushback because I really felt like screaming but he didn't. He just went into the bathroom and shut the door quietly.
I rushed around as soon as I heard the shower turn on, changing in the closet with the door closed to a big sweater and leggings. I'd be hot in the sweater but I didn't care. I needed to be covered. It was the only way I could keep my sanity.
I packed a bag with clothes, my laptop, my chargers. I didn't know where I was staying tonight but it wasn't here. Never again would I stay here. I grabbed my pills off my nightstand, I definitely couldn't forget those.
I rushed downstairs so Evan wouldn't see the bag and argue with me. Tossing the bag in my car, I remembered what Rykan said to me. You're safe with me. I wanted to go to him but I couldn't. I barely knew him. I had no time to think. Everything was a mess and I shouldn't feel so comfortable going off with him already.
Going to the kitchen, I grabbed my favorite teas and stuffed them in my purse. I jerked around when I heard Evan coming down the stairs. He paused in the doorway and looked at me in bewilderment.
"I'm begging you to not make me do this while my mom is in the hospital," he said, holding his hands out in surrender. "I can't. Kora, please. I know you love my mom. This is going to break her."
I knew he'd use her against me.
"No it won't," I said firmly. "Because I have good news for her, too. And I never said leaving you meant I couldn't see her anymore. That's her choice and if she wants to see me after this, I want to see her too."
"What news?" He asked, stepping into the kitchen.
I backed away and his face crumpled. Good. He should feel guilty.
"You'll find out when we get there," I said, moving as quickly as possible past him and out the front door.
I got to my car and he went to his, throwing me sad glances as he walked over and got in. No. He wouldn't make me feel guilty. He wouldn't use that against me.
On the drive to the hospital I started getting shaky. Doubt creeped in on if this was the right thing to do while Fiona was so sick. I was going to spiral. I could tell. I grabbed my phone and accessed Les on my speed dial. At first I thought she wouldn't pick up but I finally got a sleepy, mumbly hello.
"Les," I breathed shakily, tightening my hand on the steering wheel.
"Kora?" She said, sounding much more awake. "What's wrong, babe? You sound weird."
I intended to start slow and not make it dramatic but I lost it and unloaded everything that happened with Evan and his friends last night and my plans to make him tell his parents. She stayed mostly quiet and I knew that meant she was planning six ways to murder him. When Les got quiet, that was dangerous. She didn't have loud anger, she had calm anger and it was terrifying to witness even if you weren't on the receiving end.
"I'm going to fucking kill him," she spat once I finished. "That no good fucking piece of shit motherfucking cunt is fucking dead."
"He's not worth it," I said, brushing away the tears. "I just... I need somewhere to stay tonight and I can get a hotel but I really don't want to be alone."
I choked on the last word, more tears coming down. God, how many tears could I have left?
"Of course you're coming over, doll," she assured. "Of course you're staying with me. Don't even think twice about it. Are you at the hospital now?"
"Almost," I said, turning down the street it was on.
"Okay. I'll be there soon."
"What? Why?"
"Because this is bullshit and you're not doing it alone," she said. "I'll be in the waiting room to walk you to your car so he can't corner you once you leave his mom's room."
"You don't have to do that," I sniffled, but God I wanted her to.
"I know I don't," she said. "I'll see you soon, okay?"
"Okay," I agreed, hopefully pushing out the last of my tears as I blinked and pulled into a parking space.
"Stay strong, Kora," she said, her voice softer. "I'm here. Just hang tight babe, I'll be there before you know it."
I nodded although she couldn't see me and we ended the call. Evan parked nearby so I got out quickly and walked fast to keep distance between us.
We reached Fiona's room and I went to her side, taking her hands in mine. She turned her head towards me and smiled weakly.
"Hi, honey," she said quietly.
"Hi," I greeted, offering my best smile. "We're both here."
Her eyes searched, finding Evan standing behind me.
"Hi son," she greeted, her eyes slowly drifting closed and open.
He didn't respond. I looked back and he was just standing there with a frown, avoiding eye contact. I felt bad but I also felt he was an asshole. He could never see past his own needs for others.
"Evan has something to tell you," I baited, glancing at her then him.
"Oh?" She asked, looking over at Evan.
It was the right thing to do. It was. I knew it was. Or I thought I did. I looked back at Evan as he struggled with the words. I looked at her, so sick. She was so sick. Just like my mom was so sick. Would I have told my mom something like this while she was lying in a hospital bed near death?
Of course I wouldn't.
I inhaled sharply and fought back tears. Tears because my mom wasn't here to ask advice. Tears because Fiona was like a mother to me but given the circumstances I couldn't ask her advice either. Tears because it hurt to hurt her and I knew this would hurt her so bad.
I couldn't do it. Not right now. Not when she was so sick like this.
"It's good news," I finally said, ignoring the aching in my chest. I just wanted it to be over with Evan but it felt like I kept getting stumbling blocks to drag it out. "I found a doctor that thinks she can help you. There's a risk. She said a forty percent chance of you not surviving. I know that sounds scary but she has a great track record. She's really incredible. I understand if it's a lot and you need to think about it because it's a ris-"
"Where did you find this doctor?" Fiona asked, frowning.
"A friend of a friend. She's from Paris but she's visiting the states for a conference. She's very good. I sent her your MRI's and she had a positive response."
"Then I have to try," Fiona said, her eyes lighting up.
"Mom, it could be dangerou-" Evan started.
"All good things are risky, my love," she said, smiling at him. "We have to try. We'll regret it if we don't. Tell her I'll try," she said, looking at me, setting a hand on my cheek. "Thank you, honey. Thank you for looking for something else. I feel lucky to call you a daughter."
Ouch. Daughter. Soon to be ex-daughter. I wish I could leave Evan without leaving his parents. Leaving Evan was easy, I didn't want him anymore. Leaving her? Leaving her and Curtis? That was another story.
"I feel lucky to have you as another mother," I answered, leaning into her hand.
It was the best I could say in the circumstances. She smiled lightly but I could tell she was tired. I stayed until she fell asleep then spoke to Curtis while Evan sat next to Fiona, holding her hand and staring at her. We left and rode the elevator silently. It wasn't until we stepped out he set a hand on my arm.
"Kora, I'm sorry. Really. I don't know what else to say. I'm just sor-"
A hand clamped on his shoulder, pulling him away from me so roughly he stumbled back into a wall.
"She isn't interested in your apology," the person growled. "Stay the fuck away from her."
I looked over to find Lucas from the night before. Lucas. He was there with Rykan last night. I looked at him curiously but he had a glare fixed on Evan.
"Kora," Les said, wrapping her arms around me. "Come on, babe. Let's get you out of here."
"What is he doing here?" I murmured, nodding to Lucas as Les directed me towards the door, keeping an arm around me.
"He stayed the night and overheard us on the phone, he insisted on helping. Didn't think it was a good idea for us to be alone with him," she explained. "What a sweetheart, right?"
Sweetheart. Lucas' eyes darted to me and somehow I knew. He was there with Rykan. He had an air about him. He was a werewolf.
Evan backed off and I walked out with Les, Lucas following close behind us. We paused outside and Les turned to me, frowning.
"Doll, you're shaking. It's okay," she said, rubbing her hands up and down my arms. "You're okay, Kora. You'll be safe at my apartment."
Was I shaking? I guess I was. I hadn't noticed.
"Luke, will you get the car so I can stay with her and she doesn't have to walk?" Les asked.
"I think it's best if I stay and you get the car. In case that guy comes out again," Lucas answered, inclining his head towards the door.
Les considered a moment, chewing on the inside of her cheek before nodding and pulling me into a hug.
"I'll just be a minute, babe," she said, squeezing me. "Hang tight."
She released me and ran off, leaving me alone with Lucas. I glanced over at him but he was facing towards the building with his arms crossed, watching the door carefully. It was like he was a bodyguard. Protective. Just like Rykan. I had to ask.
"Did you tell him?" I asked quietly.
He clenched his jaw, his eyes darting to me briefly before fixing ahead again. "Not yet," he answered.
"Please don't," I breathed, thankful he hadn't said anything. I wanted to be the one to tell him, I absolutely did not want him hearing it second-hand.
His head snapped to mine, a frown on his face. "I have to," he answered, shaking his head.
"No. You don't. Don't tell him, Lucas. Please," I said. "It'll sound so much worse if it comes from someone else. Let me tell him. Please let me tell him. I don't want him to think I was hiding it from him. I'm not. I just couldn't discuss it last night because it was too fresh," I said, hating the way my eyes filled up with tears. "I'll tell him next I see him, I swear. I just don't want him to hear it from someone that isn't me."
"You're asking me to keep something from my Alpha," he said with a frown, glancing over at me.
"I don't know what that means but please don't tell him," I pleaded. "Can't you understand I need to tell him myself?"
Lucas sighed and shifted uncomfortably, muttering under his breath. "You'll tell him tonight?" He asked, looking over at me.
I nodded and he sighed but nodded curtly, staring at the door again.
"Thank you," I breathed.
"Kora?" Lucas asked, looking over at me.
"Yeah?" I said, wrapping my arms around myself.
"Are you okay?" He asked, frowning.
"I don't know," I admitted, biting my lip.
His expression softened, pain flashing over his face as he stared at me a moment before shaking his head and watching the door again. "You didn't deserve what happened. I hope you know that. No matter what kind of situation you're stuck in, you did not deserve to be treated like that," he said, clenching his jaw. "It was completely unacceptable."
"Thanks," I said, feeling the tears sting my eyes yet again because apparently I needed to hear that. I just felt so stupid about the whole thing and having him say that made me hurt a little less.
"You'll be safe with us," he said, looking over at me. "I know you're hesitant but I just want you to know you'll be safe with us," he said. "Rykan would never treat you like that and I would fucking kill anyone that dared to talk to my Luna like that. That piece of shit is lucky we're in public right now," he muttered, glaring at the hospital door as if the door was Evan himself. "It's the only thing keeping him safe."
Oh dear. If Lucas was this mad... I could only imagine how Rykan would react after how pissed he was that Evan kissed me. This was going to be so much worse than that.
Heyyy loves! Hunted is already over 33k reads?! My mind is blown. Like seriously. Thank you so much!! The next few chapters are already up on Patreon ❤ If you are able to join, please do because we're almost to 200 patrons and I'm unlocking another tier and more stuff to read when we get to that point! 😁Let me know what you thought of this chapter!
Evan trying to apologize after what happened is just like... go die in a ditch, right?
Poor Kora is in a very difficult position right now, what'd you think of how she handled it?
Who saw it coming that Lucas would be there?
Also, what'd you think of Luke asking about her wellbeing and telling her she was safe with them? Because I just *swoon* ❤
And now for the real fun stuff... What do you think Rykan's reaction will be when he finds out what happened?
And now, this chapter is dedicated to my awesome reader who has made me more book covers than I can even count for ALL of my books. Girl, you are AMAZING! Thank you miss_slutty!!!
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Have a great weekend, loves! If you're celebrating Halloween, stay safe! ❤