Love Language (Luke Patterson x reader)

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Request: Hey! If you're taking requests can you write something where you have been with Luke for a while and you have been clingy lately (not just with him but also the band) and all the band notice and he kinda yells at you because you're distracting home during band practice, and you get sad and he finds out that since your mom died you don't really have anyone else to hug because your family isn't very touchy like that and then he feels bad and the boys all smother you in cuddles/ hugs please.

Prompt/summary: Luke snaps at the reader for being clingy after her mom dies.

Word Count: 1,344

Authors note:
Please check my bio to make sure requests are open before sending them in!


Everyone has a different love language.

Some have acts of service, some have words of affirmations, mine was always physical touch. I've never been to good at expressing my emotions so I always used different forms on touch to show how I was feeling. Especially hugs.




Hug time.


Eh maybe not a hug, but I wouldn't turn one down most of the time. When my stress levels went up you could tell by how much I relied on other people to keep myself sane. My mom always gave the best hugs, that type of hug that you don't want to pull away from because you just feel so comfy in her embrace. The day she passed away it felt like something was being ripped away from me.

I didn't realize I was doing it. But apparently I was doing it too much. Grabbing Luke's hand, sitting on his lap in the garage, asking for hugs when he was free. I didn't realize it was excessive. Maybe if he had just asked me later when we were alone we wouldn't be in this situation.

"Can you stop clinging to me for five minutes? I need to finish this song."

The harsh words pierced right through my chest and I tried my best not to show the tears that were forming in my eyes, "Oh, yeah of course."

I stayed silent for the rest of practice. Something Julie took notice of. Once they finished up I snuck out the garage door before anyone could say anything to me. Once I was in the clear, the tears that had been held back for almost an hour finally flowed down my cheeks. Luckily the house was empty when I got home, dad having tied himself up at work whenever he could to try and cope with our shared loss. Once I was in the safety and comfort of my room I let the sobs escape my mouth.


I don't know how long I stayed in my bed. All I knew was that I cried myself to sleep. Could've been a few hours, could've been a few days. The curtains in my room blocked out most of the light so I didn't see the sun go down. Finally I looked down at my phone to see it was already past dinner time and the sun had already set for the day. Multiple messages from the band had popped up in my notification bar and I slid them away. Not having the energy or the patience to talk to anyone. All I wanted was a hug.

Even though my stomach was growling I didn't get out of bed. Even after I saw Julie call me and facetime me I still just laid there in the darkness of my room. I wish I could just run into moms arms right now. The only person I wanted to talk about her death with was gone, and the other got mad at me.

Finally I got up to use the bathroom and clean up to get ready for bed.

Another facetime came through from Julie. I answered it and immediately regretted it when I saw my photo in the corner. I was a wreck.

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