Part 31

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Sophie POV

"Where are you taking me?" I asked the doctor when he's pulling me away.

He doesn't answer me. I try pulling away but his grip is too firm. He pulls me into what I suppose is a break room.

"Miss Foster, i know whats happening to Keefe is personal to you. However, I have orders from your parents to immediately send you home. Of course, since you are 18, you may stay here and choose to ignore Your parents, however, said that they need to talk to you and its important," the doctor says.

"Can they just drive here? I'm sorry but I'm not leaving Keefes side," I tell thr doctor.

"I can ask them for you."

"Thank you. Also, can I get an update on Keefes situation?" I ask him.

The doctor rubs his eyes but smiles softly. "He's gonna be okay, but he did break his leg, so he will need to be on crutches for a while."

I nod. At least hes okay. The doctor leaves the room and I sit down on one of the chairs. Whats going to happen after this? I mean I confessed my feelings to him as did he. But I don't know if he did out of the moment or because he meant it. 

"Hey," I turn around and see Biana there.

She takes a seat next to me and hugs me tight. "I'm so glad he's okay."

I just nod my head agreeing. If I try to speak, I know I'm going to break again. 

"Sophie, I know you're going to want to stay here till Keefe is out, so do you want me to bring you some stuff from the dorm?" She asks tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Yes please," I croak out.

"I love you Sophie, ill be right back," she says.

I sigh, back to being by myself. I should check on Keefe. I walk over to the room they are keeping him in and see Fitz there. I gulp. Fitz and I are on an okay but unstable basis. I walk in the room and they both go silent looking at me.

"I think I should go now, but nice talking to you bud," Fitz says dapping up Keefe.

I'm confused. Doesn't Fitz hate Keefe? I shake it off, and sit on the chair next to Keefes propped up bed. I'm too nervous to look into Keefe's eyes. Everything's too tense. I can literally feel it in the air. 

"Foster, I need you to look at me," his coarse voice says.

I slowly look up at him and his eyes were already on me. We stay looking at eachother. I think we are both wondering the same thing. I decide to break the silence.

"I'm going to stay here with you till you leave," I say.

"What no, go back home. I'm going to be okay," he starts to protest.

"Shut up Keefe, I'm staying here whether you want me or not," I roll my eyes at his usual stubbornness. 

His eyebrows furrow together but he sighs. 

"I see your stubbornness never changed Foster," he smirks.

"You're the stubborn one!" I say.

He holds up his hand to his heart, mocking hurt. "How could you say that to the Lord Hunkyhair? Actually it's okay your the Queen Foster, you can do whatever you want to me."

I see his eyes sparkle at what he said and I blush hard. 

"Shut up."

He pretends to zip up his mouth and throw the key away. I smile. I'm glad he didn't change that much. 


Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter. I just wanted to get something up since you guys have been so patient and I haven't put anything up. Sorry for the long wait! 

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