consume us both - ORIGINAL PIECE

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I wish I didn't exist to anyone else but me, all they do is reach inside my skull and claim what was never theirs. I didnt really feel much of anything when I heard your voice, once so sweet I can still feel my teeth rotting inside my skull. I'll consume to forget, to drive you from my psyche, indulgence in all the wrong things to fill an emptiness in my chest, which cannot be contained nor destroyed. I dont want a name, a face, not even my skin fits right anymore. A new face wont change the fact I want to peel my flesh from my bones. learn to live with the pain and it'll become more of you each day, it roots itself into your nerves and suffocates your soul. you become more of me each day, to the point where all i see in the mirror is your face. I want it to shatter and break, I want to see the cracks in your carefully manufactured facade. sometimes we fall more in love with the beauty of illusions rather than the cruelty of reality, maybe thats why I was so captivated from the start. magician's fancy, an art like any other, blinded me from the truth I wished not to see right before my eyes. pull my string, do with me as you wish, you might as well when I would have done anything for you upon your request. I'm not sure if I'm still breathing, the aftermath of my ruin or so I thought. I feel worms beneath my fingers, I can't tell if they are real. my mind plays tricks on me, blood in my lungs, dirt in my throat and spiders in my mouth. I can't tell if you left me for dead, a living corpse, I'm afraid you'll come back to finish the job. I felt peaceful in those moments of seclusion and silence, nothing to be expected of the girl who could not keep up with the rest of the world in an eternal evolutionary race. stuck where I belong, stationary as time passes me by, take a stroll down memory lane where I fancy. I tire myself, sometimes it feels like you have made a home for yourself in my head. I think I'm entirely forgettable, its your fault, I know it. I wish to fall through time, but maybe someone will catch me before I fade away entirely. I'm still bleeding, I'm still breathing, I'll make it work as I stumble through. my only friend is the abyss where I throw my void into the black void. stolen, abandoned, violated and wronged, I'll find strength in my back and power in my words. you control my body, you throw your voice into my mouth, you control my mind but my words are still mine. I'll write them, I'll let the abyss speak what I cannot shout nor scream, it's sure to consume us both. I'll drag you to hell with me.

words kept close and spoken in the dark [POETRY - Completed]Where stories live. Discover now