Part 6: Inko Midoriya

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Today was the day. Was the week over already? God, was he really getting to meet her already? Izuku was a mixture of emotions. He was sad, hurt, anxious, happy, you name it. He couldn't believe he it was already Saturday. All the stress he was feeling that week had disappeared into nothing the moment the sun rose on Saturday morning. Izuku was now headed to an elderly home, which was about two hours out of his area. He didn't care though, he didn't care about anything when it came to her. His mother, Inko Midoriya. He had seen her just last week Saturday yet it still felt like forever since he had looked at her face. The most beautiful green colored eyes, rosy, plump cheeks, a heartwarming smile always present on her face, a cute button nose like Izuku and long, forest green hair falling just above her waist. 

He missed her so much. Her warm embraces, her cute little kisses she gave him randomly, her homemade delicious cooking, her in general. He missed when he could've woken up in the morning and hear her humming along to her favorite song, cleaning around the house, he missed when they had a little quarrel over the pettiest things, how he used to scold her for over working herself, how she used to scold him for working too much. All the fun times. 

He pulled up at a yellow and green apartment and headed through he door. He didn't even have to go to the front desk, he had visited so many times before that the lady just gave him a smile and pointed to a wooden door that led into a backyard. Stepping through the door, he let his eyes wonder the ornamented garden, beautiful shrubs decorated the lush grass and colorful flowers blossomed on the arrays of flower beds in the floor. It was absolutely beautiful. However not more beautiful than the elderly lady sitting on a bench watching as a butterfly fluttered in front her face.

Intertwining his hands behind his back, he shyly made his way to her smiling as her eyes sparkled when she saw him. He put on his best smile when talking to her. When he was with her he could be himself, the confident man he was, no stuttering, just speaking. He didn't have to be shy with her.

"Hello! I'm-"

"Izuku, right?" He paused, halting harshly as he processed her words. He couldn't believe his ears. Had he heard right? Did she just say his name? Did he just hear her say his name for the first time in five years? She...she recognized him. She remembered him. He couldn't stop the flow of tears as they cascaded down his cheeks causing a damp spot on his shirt. She...she knew...oh God, she knew.

"D-did you just say my name...?" He managed to choke out, he was feeling overwhelmed. For five years, five whole years, he had visited her every Saturday and she hadn't known who he was. For five years, he had come to see her with the hopes that maybe, just maybe...that she would remember him, that he wouldn't have to walk in there and introduce himself to her again and again. That he would come and she would run and hug him, and tell him her little words of encouragement in his ears. To have her lavender, calming scent fill his nose, her homely embrace making him melt into her hands. And today, she...she said it.

"Huh? Oh that is your name right, dear? I'm terribly sorry if I got it wrong!" She didn't remember him fully, but it was an improvement from the last five years. He was still crying, staring at her as the stray tears left his ears. Running up to her, he wrapped her in a hug crying into her shoulder.

"Y-yes. Yes, t-that's my name." No amount of words could describe how he felt in that moment as he settled in her warm embrace, cherishing her motherly nature. He still couldn't get over it, she actually remembered him. 

"Y-you came to see me l-last week, right?" She remembers, she knew he visited her the week before. He was so overcome with happiness, he couldn't even speak, he just stared at her admiringly. 

", what did you eat today Ms. Midoriya?" Yes, he had to call her that. He couldn't call her mom, the doctors had said that would've strained her memory. He had been coming to the elderly home for so long yet every Saturday would've been the same. Come in, say his name, asked what she did for the day, what foods she ate, her interests, and in those times she never said anything other than short and simple answers like, 'bread, rice, flowers, the sky.'

"Oh, I had the best food today! They made me some rice and chicken, it was so tasty, the flavors blended in so well. They even allowed me to make my own food for lunch, would like to try some?!" She made her own food, she remembered ingredients to make her own food. She...she sounded so happy that Izuku was amazed with her response, she was so...energetic.

"I-I see, s-so what d-did you do today?" He shouldn't have been hopeful, she wouldn't remember, she never did but the way she answered the first question made his heart swell.

"I didn't really do anything but come here in the garden. The colors are so vibrant, and the Sakura trees are so nice to look at. The butterflies were so peaceful, not the mention the sweet smell of the roses. Nature's so exotic, I love it!" He wasn't expecting that at all. Normally she would've just said she sat at a bench and watched the flowers but now, she was describing her surroundings. It wasn't much but to Izuku he was so happy, she was finally progressing through her incident.

The incident...he still remembered that night, the screams, the blood, the glass, everything. That was something he had sleepless nights over, the dreams were too much for him sometimes. That's why he would go to bars and hope to forgot. Just drown himself in endless alcohol and wake up the next day to see that it was still there, breathing down his neck. He forcefully snapped out of his thoughts when he realized that his mother was still talking. She looked so excited to be talking about her day, like when you gave a kid ice-cream for the first time. Her laugh brought a smile to his lips, he waited so long to hear her enjoy herself. One day she'd remember. Then he'd take her out of this home and carry her to her own home instead. 

A nurse strolled into the garden, a sweet smile on her lips as she cleared her throat to get their attention. 

"Oh! Nurse, meet Izuku!" The nurse stared at her dumbfounded then looked at Izuku a sad smile on her lips as she stared at the younger boy who was looking at her softly. This was it, he had to leave her now so he said his goodbye and was about to walk out before he felt a tug at his sleeve. He turned back to the elderly lady in surprise as she cupped his cheek and kissed his forehead softly.

"Bye bye dear!" Touching his forehead with widened eyes, he choked out a goodbye and ran to his car trying his best not to let the tears go free.

Parking his car in front of his house, he aggressively opened the door and slammed him collapsing on his knees the moment he was inside. After five years, he had a genuine conversation with his mother, he heard her happy voice, he saw her eyes light up when she spoke.

He saw her sincerity for the first time, in five years.

A/N: My poor baby🥺. He has a lot more trauma but take this little happy moment in his life. No Bakudeku in this scene :( Don't worry, it'll be back next part! How are you doing today babies?

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