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By your third month you were starting to get concerned. Your bubble got bigger and you were wondering if you were getting fat, mirio did his best to cover up the fact you were pregnant.

You were drawing in your coloring book, mirio sots down and smiles watching you color. "Hey sunshine let's go outside for a while." He said as he rubbed your back.

"Oki daddy!" You giggle and stand as you put your shoes on and step outside. Mirio holds your hand and takes you to were he purposed to you. You smiled and followed happily.

Once your both one feet away from the fountain you stop. Mirio runs with your friends and his teammates. You look at them and your friend hands you pink and blue balloons "what's going on?" You tilt your head as you hold the balloons. Mirio holds your hand and does the pull, twist trick.

You pull his finger and mirio opens his hand saying "twist." You giggle thinking it's a game, you turn his hand and dead the words. You cover your mouth and try to process what's happening.

You finally put together when you got pregnant "and you didnt tell me sonner!?" You flail your arms around "we wanted it to be a surprise for you." Mirio held you, you squeal and hug him tightly. Mirio coughs and chuckles "ok sunshine daddy needs to breath." You later go and giggle "sowwy daddy" you smile

You then gasl "I need an ultra sound!" You grab his hand and run to the dorm. You grab your purse and irk mirio to put his shoes on quickly. Once he does yiu drag him to the hospital forgetting you have a car, run back, get thr keys to the car. Run into the car turn it on put mirio's seatbelts on then drive to the hospital

You then get out and go to the dront desk, mirio follows quickly after you. You smile and take his hand as you get taken to a room. You were asked to lay down and you did so, mirio sat next to you in a chair.

You waited for a while until a nurse came in, she sat down in a chair and put cold gel on your small stomach. You shiver and giggle as you hold mirio's hand. The nurse let's mirio pass the scanner on your stomach until he sees a small shape.

The nurse points to it and explains, the baby isn't fully developed so it cant be seen clearly. You smile softly and giggle

After the ultra sound you walk out of the hospital and get back in the car going to the dorms. You send an email to your teachers asking to be changed to the classes with all the pregnant females. You were lucky one of your friends was there too.

You hummed and wrote down your new schedule. You smiled happily and yawned. You wasted a lot of energy just running around. So mirio got you in your onsie, gave you your paci, your blankie, your stuffie, and read you a bed time story.

Not soon after you fell asleep and snored as mirio cleaned up.

It's been a day for you, you found out you were pregnant, your engaged, your taking different classes. Who knows what could happen next


mirio togata×a little reader Where stories live. Discover now