When we got murdered--
Purple: *trying to find knife* *takes out a spoon*
Young Goldie : LOOK OUT HE HAS A SPOON!!!
Purple: *puts back spoon, takes out a fork*
Young Freddy: WATCH OUT HE HAS A FORK!!!
Purple: I can't... find... it.... *puts back fork, takes out a plate*
Young bonnie: OH MY GOSH HE HAS A PLATE!!!!
Purple: WHY DO I HAVE THIS?!?! *puts back the plate, takes out a glass*
Young foxy: OH GOD HE HAS A GLASS!!!
Purple: WHY?!?! *puts back glass, finally takes out a knife*
Young chica: HOLY COW HE HAS A-
Wait... its just a knife...
All da kids: weak...!
Purple: -.- I'll just... put you kids in suits...
Purple killed us--- dun dun duuuuuuuun
Moral lesson:
Murderers bring tableware, I think purple was hungry, and just killed us to have some pasta.Not just any kind of pasta...
CREEPYPASTA!!!!!!!! (Jk I think he was just bored and he wanted to read a creepypasta...)
book of randomness- fnaf
Randomenjoy life, enjoy this book theres no secrets. you're wasting your time. there's nothing down here. SRSLY? lol did you scroll down until here? okay, secret description. thanks for the 62k views! I made this book for you. because I wub you. I wub you...