"Proud Boys, stand back and stand by"
It's a great debate between two petulant babies
Though both are old and senile, one of them is just crazy
That one has no plan and little small hands
The other's a loon and I'm not really a fanIt's not debate, it's just dissing; what am I missing?
They both just keep on smiling and lying and wishing
In my head I just see them both as clowns
And this so-called "debate" proves that this country's gonna drownBullshit flows like a mudslide
Just hop on a board so you can ride the lies
Won't condemn supremacists 'cause he needs them
President Supremacist really needs friendsWe know America is fucked
It isn't funny that two grown men can't shut up
I don't know where they get their information from
You think that we ain't fucked when revolution comes?"Will you shut up, man?"
Wish I could ignore these crises through my headphones
It's like Stephen King mixing The Stand into The Dead Zone
Now the country's in squalor, so we protest and holler
Yet the debt ain't getting better and he's sweating through his collarIt's impossible for him to stay on topic
Like his Twitter tirades that don't show signs of stopping
Adderall warps his mind; he's fucking off the wall
He just keeps naming folks to blame like it's a casting callIt's an attack on the blacks while the crackhead sits by
With his nose full of coke and no blinks from his eyes
Look at him, what you see is what you get
Donald's jacked kid is too coked out to have regretsNow I think I'm losing my mind, I'm blind
This time, I'm breaking my mind alright
And we all know we're losing our minds this time
It's time, a season of crime"I am the least racist person there is anywhere in the world"
You watch him stumble over every ramp that he's walking up
I'm tired of sighing, it's due time that we lock him up
I'm sick of his lies, it's time to cut his lights
He's a Kaiser, cold stalking his prey in the dead of nightNow the orange blotch is on the spot, y'all
He'll never build the wall 'cause he can't pay for the wall
We all know America is fucked
We all know America is fuckedHe's lobbing violent threats aimed at protests
He's too busy dodging taxes to prevent unrest
He is a false savior, fraud, major failure
He's the sickest motherfucker since Vlad the ImpalerHe's as cool as jalapeños drenched in Satan's hot sauce
He's got no rhyme or reason, his cause is lost
But if you've got the thought that his deception is fine
I've got news for you, dude, he will suck us fucking dry"This is a President who has used everything as a dog whistle to try to generate racist hatred, racist division"
We know America is fucked
We know America is fucked
We all know America is fucked
We all know America is fucked