Once again Amelia is at that point in her pregnancy and she is on edge. On top of that thanks to her mood swings, she has been in a bad mood all week.
Because of the miscarriage in the last pregnancy, she has a scan at the end of the week for the 16-week mark but at the moment she feels like she's never going to get there.
One morning halfway through the week, she woke up in the same bad mood although it felt ten times more intense.
She lay on her side, back against Ben's chest his hand resting on her bump. His alarm would be going off soon but for the present moment, he is still fast asleep his nose buried in her hair.
This is a position she usually loved to wake up too but his breathing on her neck is annoying her this morning. She tries to ignore it but the rest of her body kicks in and she throws Ben's arm off her running to the toilet.
She wasn't there long before she felt Ben's hand pulling her hair back and his other hand rubbing her back not saying a word.
Climbing back into bed after she has brushed her teeth, she watches Ben get ready for work. Her morning sickness is lasting longer this time but she hopes that is a good sign, even if she hates being sick.
Sitting on the bed to put his shoes on her mood swiftly changes from annoyed to lush. Crawling over to him, she wraps her arms around his shoulders from behind snaking her hand into his t-shirt over his warm chest. Her mouth presses hot kisses to the open skin of his neck.
He chuckles, "You keep doing that babe and I won't make it to work."
"Good stay here," She kissed along his jawline nibbling his ear and kissing the sensitive spot behind.
He groans leaning his head back on her shoulder, "Believe me I would love to but I need to go or I'll be late, I have a meeting this morning." Huffing her bad mood comes straight back she grabs her towels and heads into their bathroom. Ben gently grabs her wrist before she can close the door, "Milly wait, what's wrong?"
She knows she is being a bitch but the fact that he had to ask ticks her off even more, "Just go to work. You'll be late."
"At least tell me what I've done."
"Why don't you figure it out while you're at work." She pulls her arm away and slams the door shut, hopping into the shower her tears blending with the shower water.
Ben saw her tears before she shut the door, she's been having mood swings all week and he had dealt with them quite well until now.
As he turns away from the bathroom door he remembers what this week is and he kicks himself. He quickly grabs a pen and paper leaving the note on the bed.
After her shower, she is a bit disappointed to find that Ben has listened to her and has gone to work.
She didn't find his note until she sat on the bed to brush out her hair, she noticed it out the corner of her eye, 'Sorry I made you cry, love. I know what this week is and I didn't mean to upset you. I love you, see you later xx'
Now she feels even more like a bitch but even with the note she just couldn't get rid of her bad mood.
Joining her dad at breakfast like Ben, Jim has already left for work. The fact that Amelia didn't say a word to him when she sat down told Freddie instantly that she is in a bad mood. Joe however didn't get the memo, "Breakfast Little Miss?"
As soon as she glares at him he realises his mistake but it's too late by then, "I've just been a complete bitch to my husband, my stomach is doing backflips and anything I do eat comes straight back up! So NO! I don't want breakfast." She storms out the kitchen.
Freddie gives her some space finishing his breakfast before searching for her.
He finds her outside on the bench in front of the baby Mercury memory tree. He had the bench but in the spring after the tree had been planted, the tree itself has grown nicely reaching the top of the garden wall, it's flowers in full bloom.
He takes a seat next to her wrapping his arm around her shoulder, "Today's that mark, isn't it?" she nods, "What happened between you and Ben this morning?"
"He hadn't long woke up and he probably wasn't fully awake yet but I got annoyed with him because he didn't remember what week it is and shut him out." She leans her head on his shoulder staring at the hanging photo on the tree tears slipping down her cheeks.
"Well, I think you already know how to fix this. I know it's hard but try not to think about before. This is a new baby and a new start." They sat there for a while enjoying the quiet before Amelia went back inside to apologize to Joe.
Later that evening Amelia is in the kitchen when Ben came home from work. She is making a drink when he enters the kitchen, she didn't hear him come in because she was so deep in her thought.
He came up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing her cheek, "Hey."
She jumps a mile pushing him back knocking the glass off making it smash on the floor, "Jesus Christ don't do that!" The smash brought Freddie and Jim running into the room.
Ben pulls her away from the glass and Jim starts cleaning it up. Amelia mind was elsewhere, "Why did you do that?"
"I'm sorry love I thought you had heard me, I didn't mean to scare you." She felt angry, not at Ben but herself for being so jumpy. Pushing past him she ran upstairs. He follows not far behind, "Milly talk to me, please."
"I have slept the last few nights," the tears stream down her face, "my mind is constantly on the last pregnancy and I am so on edge because I'm so terrified of losing this baby." He pulls her into his arms letting her cry into his shirt.
"We are going to make to the end this time. We are going to meet this baby. I spoke to work today and I'm taking the next few days off so we can spend some time together and just relax." He kisses her forehead running his fingers through the ends of her hair.
"Once we've had that 16-week scan, we are going to tell everyone because I am certain that our baby is going to be fine this time." The only people that have been told about the baby so far are Miami, Freddie and Jim. The album has been pushed back to February next year but the other girls don't know the real reason yet.
Slowly Amelia felt her bad mood slip away, "I'm sorry I took it out on you, I..." she gasps pulling away, her hand flying to her stomach.
Ben panics, "Milly, what's wrong? Are you in pain?" She didn't say anything for a moment making his panic intensifying, Please not again.
He asks her again but she huffs a laugh finally looking at him new tears in the corners of her eyes, "No, I'm not in pain."
She grabs his hand placing it flat on the lower left-hand side of her bump. He's confused has to what is going on until he feels a faint movement under his palm, "that's our baby, Ben."
Grinning he plants a soft kiss on her lips "I love you," He whispers before kneeling and lifting her top up, putting his hand back on the spot feeling it again, it's very light not enough to be a kick but it's definitely the baby moving. He plants another soft kiss to the area, "Both of you."
The relief that washed over her is the best feeling in the world, "We love you too."
"I got something for you to apologise for this morning."
"You don't need to apologise, I was the one being a bitch."
"No, you were just worried and I'm sorry I didn't realise sooner." He pulls a flat box out of his back pocket. He opens it to reveal a beautiful necklace with a locket on it.
Inside the locket is two small photos, one is their current babies photo scan and the other is Baby Mercurys scan photo. "The locket can be extended to hold any future photos." He explains
She beams attaching the locket around her neck kissing his cheek, "It's beautiful, Ben. I love it, thank you."
I couldn't be that cruel and put them through that again.

Little Mercury
FanfictionWhen social services show up on Freddie Mercury's doorstep with some pretty big news. Follow him and his daughter Amelia on a journey filled with the highs and lows that come with being a rockstar dad and the daughter of a legend. The timeline set f...