Chapter 2

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Tanna Carson

"Ella's here, I'll see you guys later!"

"Okay darling, make sure she drives safely." My dad says from the table, where we just ate breakfast.

"You know she always does dad."

"I know, I'd just prefer it if you'd let one of us drive you to school." My dad says making me shake my head.

"Or, you could just let me drive." I say smiling wildly, hoping they'll eventually give in.

"Tan, you're moving to Los Angeles in less than a month. We're not going to buy you a car just for it sit in London untouched."

"Fair point." I say, my parents laughing at me as I walk towards the front door. "Oh, don't forget we need to fetch Alex from the airport tonight."

With that, I closed the front door behind me before walking to Ella's car at the bottom of the driveway.

"Could you take any longer!" She teases as I hop into the passenger seat while laughing at her dramatics.

"Sorry El, I was just talking to my parents."

"About the car?" She asks and I nod, laughing at the fact that she already knew. "Do they really not trust me?"

"Nah, they do, I guess they're just a bit paranoid. You know, the general parental protective thing, but besides, I could really do with my own car. The independence, the freedom." I sigh, thinking about being able to get around without having to answer to anyone.

"They do have a point though." She says, her voice wavering slightly as she pulls into the school parking lot. "I mean, you're moving to Los Angeles, what would a car here help?"

"Yeah, my mom said the same thing this morning, but a girl can dream." She laughs at me as we both hop out of the car and walk into school.

The loud chatter of the students filled the hallway of lockers as Ella and I walked deeper into the crowd.

"I don't get why we haven't graduated yet, like what's the point of being at school to do nothing?"

"It's the last day of school Tan, does it really matter? We have prom tomorrow, final exams and then you're free to leave me here, all alone, in London."

"I'm kinda gonna miss this place." I say sighing, opening my locker to place my bag inside after collecting some of my books.

"Why? Are you feeling okay?" I roll my eyes at her response but laugh straight after. "Besides, you're moving to LA. What is there to miss in London?"

"I don't know, my friends, family, everything I've ever known." She scoffs in return before smiling.

"You'll be fine, besides, the boys out there are much cuter than the ones here." She says making me giggle.

"Maybe, but that doesn't change anything."

"Sure, call me up in a few months and let me know about the guy." I roll my eyes as we both burst out laughing. "Speaking about guys, is that mysterious friend of yours still coming?"

"Yeah, we're picking him up from the airport tonight." I say as a huge rush of excitement flows over me. "Also, Alex is anything but mysterious Ella. Trust me."

"Yeah, then how come I've never met him?"

"It's not like he hasn't been to London for two years and you and I just recently became friends."

"Sarcasm, got it. So do I actually get to meet him?"

"El, he's coming to prom, of course you do." I say laughing at her excitement.

"Oh, what about the rest of the band? Are they coming too?"

"How do you know them?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows in curiosity as we walk into our English class.

"Take a seat everybody." Mr Mikay announces, taking my attention away from Ella.

"Are you kidding? Besides what you've told me about Alex, Sunset Curve is really popular- you know, Instagram, twi-"

"I know that stuff. I wasn't born in the 90s." I said laughing softly as I slide into the chair behind the desk. "Just didn't realize that people around here really knew who they were."

"A group of three incredibly hot guys, how could they not?"

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I smile playfully, enjoying teasing her.

"What, I'm only stating the basic facts. You can't even deny that they're attractive."

"Ookayyy, well, only Alex is coming."

As she's about to respond, Mr Mikay interrupts her as he starts going over some final pointers for the exam.

The rest of the day wasn't any different from our English lesson. The teachers just droned on and on about the importance of our final exams as well as giving us speeches with the occasional goodbyes and good lucks.

"You are going to Ryan's before prom right? For photos and all that?"

"Yep, will be there." I nod, emptying out my locker into my school bag for the last time. "Well that's high school done and dusted."

"Close enough. If you ignore the whole exams thing." She responds as we make our way out the school towards the parking lot. "Oh, forgot to mention that Adam is driving home with us today."

I'm about to reply but furrow my eyebrows as I see my dad's car pull into the parking lot.

"Guessing my lift has already been organized for today." I say shaking my head before turning to face her. "Enjoy your time with Adam though." I wink teasingly, watching as her cheeks flush red.

"At least I have a boyfriend." I roll my eyes and a soft laugh escapes my mouth.

"I'm okay being single thanks. Speak later El." I send her a wave, walking closer to the car, noticing my mom in the passenger seat.

Are we going somewhere or that I forgot about?

I push the thought to the back of my mind as I open the backseat of the car, throwing my bag into the car before following suit.

"What's going—" my eyes widen immediately they land on the figure next to me.

"Surprise?" He says holding out his arms as a sheepish smile crosses his face.

Without wasting another second, I was on his lap, wrapped tightly in his arms as my parents laugh in the background.

"Okay you two, seatbelts on." My dad says as he reverses out of the parking lot.


"Two years! I haven't seen you in two whole years. There's not a chance that I'm moving yet." He chuckles in response before wrapping his arms tighter around me and I take the chance to whisper into his ear. "I missed you."

"I missed you so much Tan."

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