Chapter 4

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Percy found out,the more he used his god speed the hungrier and hungrier he got which was why he was on his fourth hot dog ,with Luke glaring at him.

Of course his twin wanted to annoy him with his incessant glares but Percy was more than happy to keep quiet. He wondered how long it would take his brother to figure out that Percy did silent for a living.

His brother's main reason for glaring at him was the harsh tongue lashing he gave him when Luke suggested they head to South street.

It was their second week in Philadelphia and Percy was quite certain that fourteen days was not enough to give someone a good overview of the state,yet his hardheaded brother still waltzed into the street like he owned it.

Of course,that led a mob of mean teens to go running after them which eventually led to Percy having to carry Luke like a baby all the way to a forest where he had an aggressive shout session with his brother,immediately after which,he passed out,the toll on using his powers catching up with him.

So here they were now,both of them giving each other the silent treatment,both wanting to see who would talk to the other one first and both knowing who would eventually.

Percy was content sitting there,chewing his hotdog while earnestly reading a comic on the flash which he speed stole from a supermarket.

Don't worry, no one saw him.

He figured,since he and the guy had the same power,he should at least get some pointers from the superhero.

"Are you just gonna sit there or should we get a move on" Luke growled.

Percy restrained himself from smiling. The last time he did that when Luke was angry,the guy    had been so pissed all the cars on the road had suddenly broken down.

Perks of their father being the god of travel. Any means if travel,is at their disposal. Percy wished cars could follow their commands like computers did,but sadly that was not the case. He had to wait till he got a driver's license.

Anyway,back to the matter at hand,Percy turned and looked at his brother. He had a feeling,acting calm usually riled Luke up more,which was why he was doing so now.

"Calm down Luke" he said " can't start moving with a half finished hot dog,that would be rude"

"You keep wasting your money on food" Luke grumbled" soon you'll get too fat,a monster will have a treat with you"

"You mean like that cyclops nearly had with you?" Percy asked.

Okay,he knew it was kinda wrong to rub a near death experience on his brother's face, but sometimes he couldn't help himself. Especially since he was the one who had saved Luke.


Percy knew that guy staring at them was not good news. Ever since he learned that monsters would be out to get him and his brother,Paranoia had been his best bud.

He was always looking around,analyzing everyone and everything around him,the nail gun under his jacket at close keep.

Luke thought he was weird and kinda crazy,especially when he told him to abandon their cheeseburger meal and walk out of the diner. His brother had been beyond pissed,but Percy knew that guy staring at them was seriously no good.

Both his eyes were too close to each other,and his uni brow was creepy. Luke made a really embarrassing scene but Percy grabbed him by his hood and pulled him away,but not before leaving fifty dollars on the table.

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