Memory And Magic

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First of all, English is not my first language, so if you find any mistakes, you would be helping a lot by letting me know. I won't think you're rude or anything like that.

Lancelot x Merlin


Why can't Arthur see that hunting trips never end well? Usually they're attacked, but this time, Merlin fell off his horse and passed out. He woke up the next day, with the knights staring at him.

-Merlin! You woke up!

-Uh... Yeah? Who are you?

-Don't... Don't you remember me? I'm Gwaine, your best friend - Both Arthur and Lancelot looked at him as if he were crazy... Well, he was.

-Excuse me? I'm his best friend - Arthur replied

-Sorry, but I don't even know you. Any of you.

-You can't be serious - Leon murmured -. We are your friends. You are like our little brother.

-What do you remember, Merlin? - Lancelot asked, before closing his eyes and calling himself an idiot in his mind. If he said something about his magic...

-Nothing before waking up here. Absolutely nothing. Did I hit my head or something?

-Probably. Let's just hope you remember everything soon enough. We should introduce ourselves, though. That is Arthur, the king of Camelot, - he said, making a subtle emphasis on 'Camelot' - these are Gwaine, Leon, Elyan, Percival, and I am Lancelot.

-Well, nice to meet you.


A week passed, and Merlin still didn't get his memory back. Still, he had been acting strange for the last three days. Lancelot decided that he would talk to him about it.

-Merlin... Can I talk to you?

-Sure, Lance. What's wrong?

-That's what I wanted to ask you. Is someone bothering you? - Merlin took him to a more private place.

-Can I trust you? Can I tell you a secret?

-Of course. Is this about your magic?

-How... How do you know about that?

-I found out long before you lost your memory. It's alright, I haven't told anybody, and I never will.

-If you have known for that long, why haven't you killed me? I'm a monster!

-No, you are not. Why would you think something like that?

-'Cause I have magic! And I can't even control it. I'm a monster, and there is nothing you can say to change my mind.

-Merlin, you're the bravest, kindest, and most selfless person I've ever met. You are a lot of things, but a monster is not one of them.

-But magic is evil...

-No, it's not. Magic is as good or as evil as the person that is using it. And you are definitely not evil.

-Magic could corrupt me.

-Corrupt you? Merlin, don't be stupid, magic won't corrupt you.

-It will! How long have I been practicing magic? How evil am I?

-You have had magic since you were born, and you are not evil at all. You know why? 'Cause magic doesn't corrupt! Magic is good! You are good.

-I'm a monster! Just kill me, please...

-I will not do such thing.

-Please! Kill me, I'm begging you. If you don't, I will tell Arthur and die by the pyre.

-I'm not going to kill you or let you go and turn yourself in so they'll burn you alive.

-Why? Do you want a monster like me to live in the castle, and possibly kill your king?

-You wouldn't do that, and you are no monster.

-I am!

His eyes flashed gold, and Lancelot knew that he should stop, or Merlin could lose control and hurt him, and he would blame himself for it. He had to try something, though. Without thinking twice, he kissed him with innocence but a bit of anger. To his surprise, the warlock kissed him back.

When their lips touched, Merlin started to remember everything; the first time they met, the many times he saved Arthur's life, everything.

-Do you think I would kiss a monster, Merlin? Do you think I would fall in love with someone evil? - Emrys smiled and hugged him

-Thank you, Lance. I love you too.

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