Elemorts Worldwide

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I dedicate this part to my friend, Lily (OnceUponALily), with whom I crossed paths for the first time on Wattpad. Since meeting her, everything has been upward for Elemorts, and whatever it has achieved today would not have been possible without her invaluable support.

Below are Wattpad world maps by countries where Elemorts is being read. Following those are the names of all the highlighted countries. I have also included the names of countries at the end which are not available on the Wattpad map but from where readers have commented.

If you are commenting from a country that is not featured on the Wattpad world map, do let me know, and I will add your country to the list. Also, I update this part fairly frequently to include any new ones that show up.

To all the readers in all these beautiful countries: thank you so much for your time and support. It means the world to me (pun intended).

 It means the world to me (pun intended)

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