Cartman gets the shit beaten out of him. Again. Let's keep this new trend going

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Mysterion couldn't help but feel pissed off at the sight of you and Gregory this morning.

Not that there was anything he could do about it. Admittedly, the British soyboy was probably better for you than he could ever be. Still, the thought left a bitter taste in his mouth. Hopping across rooftops in SouthPark's shopping district, Mysterion hoped to run into a thug or something to take his anger out on while patrolling.

He got something even better.

He got The Coon.

Eric Cartman, bandaged up, his arm in a sling, wore his coon costume as he walked through an alleyway, likely to meet with someone. Mysterion hopped down, landing in front of Eric and straightening, causing himself to tower over the fat boy. Eric stepped back in surprise and then smirked, raising his eyebrows. He immediately started jeering, "Oh, hello freedom fag~ And how have you been doing? We haven't talked since the day I enacted my amazing plan against that bitch (Y/N)." There was pride in his stupid, hearing voice. Anger was blossoming in Mysterion's chest again. "You must feel like such a fool, getting tricked like that"

Mysterion was being as quiet as the dead, and it was making Cartman feel uneasy. Even as a hero, Kenny McCormick would at least make some threat or morbid joke. He started to try and gloat again, trying for any sort of reaction. A threat, a yell, something.

There was only silence. 

 The air around them felt thick and hot. Finally Cartman fell quiet, the hair on his body starting to stand on end as the danger he was in finally settled around like a blanket. That's when Mysterion cracked his knuckles before punching Cartman hard in the throat. Cartman gasped and staggered back, falling onto his ass as he struggled to breath, clutching the throat many a scientist argued the existence of. Mysterion kicked him in the chest, knocking him back. When Cartman looked up, he saw the tall blonde towering over him, a shadow across his face and his lips pressed into a thin line. Still without a word, Mysterion lifted a leg and stomped down on Eric Cartman's face. 

By the time a passerby found the fat ass, Myserion was long gone. Eric Cartman was a broken, bloody, barely conscious mess. 

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