Title: When you're here my bruises heal easily
Au: Clumsy! Reader
Warning: None|:|•|:|
As Akaashi finished changing his attire, he went out of the club room and was greeted by his boyfriend covered in bruises. Akaashi let out a sigh and approached the small male. When the short male noticed Akaashi, he looked at the ground and said an apology. Akaashi started scolding the male on how he should be careful next time. The Male fidgeted his hands while being scolded. Soon, the Male felt a hand on his fluffy and silky hair and looked at its owner.
Akaashi asked "Do you want me to change the bandages for you?" and the short male nodded. They started walking to the setter's house and talked sometimes. {Male Name} looked at the moon and admired it. Akaashi side glanced at the his boyfriend and started picturing the screen in his mind. They arrived and Akaashi opened the door for the male. {Male Name} thanked him and entered the house.
{Male Name} started removing his shoes while Akaashi followed his actions. When done, {Male Name} went to Akaashi's room while Akaashi went to grab the first aid in the bathroom. Akaashi arrived and started removing the male's old bandages. A couple of minutes later, Akaashi finished and went to put the bandages in the trash bin.
{Male Name} asked "Do you want me to order food?" and Akaashi's head popped out. "Sure but I'll order the food" Akaashi said and the other male hummed, knowing that Akaashi will reject his offer of paying the food. Akaashi went back to his boyfriend and started asking what food he would like.
After ordering, they watched some anime while waiting for there food. When it finally arrived, They ate but an incident happened. {Male Name} fell down the stares and Akaashi caught him.