The war was over and a lot had changed , but who would have expected that Draco Malfoy had changed the most.
When a letter from Hogwarts arrives telling them that they have to go back and re-do their 7th year Harry and Draco finally get a chance to...
Andromeda got up and let the owl in. The owl quickly flew into the house and landed on her owner’s shoulder dropping the letter she was caring on Narcissa’s lap.
Narcissa picked it up and opened it but before she could read it she heard Teddy Lupin running down the stairs.
The two year old boy climbed on the couch and took a sit next to Narcissa. Narcissa smiled down at him and read the letter.
‘Dear Mother,
Harry and I would like you to come home tomorrow evening for dinner with us and the Weasley family.
Please inform Andromeda and invite her and Teddy as well since tomorrow is a very special occasion and I want them present.
As you already know, on Christmas day I made a promise to Harry that I think it’s time to fulfill.
Please do not mention that to Andromeda since the Weasleys don’t know either.
Dinner will be held at 7:30 pm
Lots of love,
Narcissa explained to Andromeda and little Teddy what the letter was about and asked if they wanted to come.
“Of course it would be a pleasure!” Andromeda said with excitement.
“Does that mean that we get to see uncle Hawwy and uncle Dwaco? Teddy, who was now learning to speak properly, asked.
“Yes sweetie” Narcissa said to the overjoyed little boy next to her.
The sun rose above the Malfoy Manor finding the boys cuddle up with each other.
Draco was already awake since he was too anxious to sleep and waited with anticipation the time that Harry would wake up.
At that thought Draco felt Harry stir besides him. He looked down at the peaceful boy who was curled up on his chest and smiled. He brought his hand up and started stroking Harry’s hair.
Harry smiled into his sleep and a few minutes later he woke up.
“Morning love” said Harry still half asleep.
“Morning babe” Draco said and bent down giving Harry a kiss on the forehead. “Are you hungry?” he asked as Harry got up.
“A bit. Is breakfast ready?”
“I don’t know let me ask Millie” he said and called the house elf.
Draco had freed the house elves but some of them didn’t want to leave the house they server for so many years so they stayed.
One of them was Millie. Millie was one of the younger house elves in the manor; she came at the manor at the summer of Draco’s fifth year therefore she knew the history behind his dark mark and had actually tried to heal him after the many times they shoot hexes and curses at him but that only led for her to be punished.
Draco really appreciated her kindness and her willingness to help him.
Draco called out for the elf and she appeared with a loud crack.
He asked her if she could make breakfast and she nodded telling him that it would be ready in a couple of minutes.
Once the elf was out of the room Harry got out of the bathroom with just his boxers on.
“Draco…” he said and allowed Draco to take in the view before he continued.
“Want to shower with me?” he asked and Draco was already out of the bed.
“No need to ask me twice.”
After a not-so-much shower, since they did a lot of other things, later they went for breakfast.
Breakfast was over soon and now the boys were making their way to Diagon Alley.
Once there Draco sent Harry to pick up some groceries while he went to pick up the ring.
When he arrived at the shop the owner recognized him immediately and picked up a small box.
He handed it to Draco. Draco took it, thanked the kind man and made his way out of the shop since he had already paid for it the day he had ordered it.
Harry and Draco continued shopping for tonight’s dinner and once they were done they apparated at the manor.
The time for the dinner was just around the corner and Narcissa with Teddy and Andromeda had already arrived.
Narcissa could see how worried her son was and went to talk to him in private leaving Harry, Teddy and Andromeda at the living room.
“What if he says no?” Draco asked his mother ready to cry.
“Draco both you and I know that he is not going to say no. He loves you Draco.”
“What if he thinks it’s too soon? What if he regrets being with me?”
“Draco you are being insane. Harry loves you more than anything in this world trust me. He looks at you like you are his everything. I’ve never seen someone looking at anyone with that much love like this boy holds for you. So stop being insane and stop doubting your partner.”
“Thank you mother I really needed to hear that” their conversation was interrupted from the bell, meaning that the Weasleys had arrived.
Draco’s POV
Dinner went smoothly and now as all of us waited patiently for the dissert to be served I decided that it was finally time.
I got up and cleared my throat getting everyone’s attention. I turned around facing Harry; I took his hands in mine and looked him in those beautiful emerald eyes.
“Harry I love you. I love how messy your hair is, how beautiful your eyes are, I love how you leave little notes for me on the mirror when I’m showering, I love how you make me feel when I wake up next to you and how I feel when I fall asleep in your arms. You are the love of my life Harry. You are the spark of happiness I have been seeking for so long. You, Harry, are my light in the dark, the reason I keep going.” I said getting on one knee and getting the little box out of my pocket, opening it.
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“Harry James Potter will you marry?”
Harry had tears in his eyes and a big bright smile on his face.
“YES, yes of course!” Harry said and I put the ring on Harry’s finger. Harry embraced me in a tight hug letting his happy tear fall.
Everyone around us was clapping, cheering and congratulating us. The dinner ended happily and the night even happier.