Chapter 9~ The P.I.T.A

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The P.I.T.A.

"I believed that I saw someone who could truly be great."

Blue woke up an hour before her alarm clock. The apartment was silent as she came out of her room to get a glass of water.

"Hey Blue." Landry, who was already at the kitchen table, working on through a crossword puzzle, greeted her. Blue greeted his back with a startled whisper, "Landry? It's 4.30 in the morning! What are you doing up?""Oh, I'm just about to head to the hospital." he replied.

"You leave this early?" Blue asked, filling a glass with water from the dispenser. "Sure, it gives me time to read my charts and study up for rounds. Besides, Dr. Ramsey gets in early. He's the example to follow, right? Want to come?" Landry offered.

The mention of Ethan was enough to make Blue's stomach flutter a little emotion. She was not sure what label to put for that feeling, but the way he cared about her, his vulnerability, his passion for medicine, his love for the people he cared. He was becoming more than just an idol and mentor to her, and she knew these feelings or whatever they were did not stem overnight after a bad encounter with Bryce. They have been always there since that thoracotomy, and they were only getting stronger.

Speaking of Bryce, it had been 5 days since since she was supposed to give him an answer, and after that incident, Blue had been avoiding the surgical intern religiously, burying herself into her work, putting her energy solely on her patients.

Bryce knew he had screwed up somehow, as he found Breyanna instead of Blue in his bed the morning after the incident. He assumed that Blue was avoiding him as he had bailed out on her last minute, not realising the stuff she had witnessed, for he could barely remember that night. To make matters worse every time he passed by Sienna, she would glare at him deathly, and as tiny as she was, even her look of disapproval made Bryce feel uneasy.

"Hmmm...anything to get a leg up in this competition." Blue answered Landry to which he replied, "My thoughts exactly." "You even sound like Dr. Ramsey." Blue said, noting the similar use of words Ethan had used before. "Wow, you noticed. I overheard him saying that to you before regarding one of you're patients and found it so cool. So I have been using it ever since." Landry replied, making Blue shake her head playfully as she went back into her room to get ready for work.


Soon, Blue and Landry were walking through the near-empty Edenbrook atrium.

"Wow, the hospital is so peace at this hour." Blue commented. "It's actually kind of great here before the morning shift change." Landry replied before asking, "Hey...the newest rankings are due out today. Wanna see if Ramsey posted them early?" Blue nodded before following him across the atrium to the notice board.

"He did! Okay...let's see..." Blue trailed. Landry dragged his finger down the list, looking for his name. Aurora still held the top spot and Landry..."What the--? How did I drop to seventh?" he exclaimed. "Have you made any mistakes this week?" Blue asked.l him. "I guess...I almost misdiagnosed a case the other day. But that was only because I didn't know the patient had recently changed her daily routine!" he answered, frustrated.

"Didn't you talk to her?" Blue asked, a little taken aback that Landry did not know these details of his own patient. About her medical history and her symptoms, of course. The small talk is usually such a waste of time. "But, talking to people is the best part! I love getting to know my patients. Even if it weren't important to saving their cases. I find it so interesting to learn about their stories..." Blue said thinking about all her patients in the past few months. "Not me. I'm all about the science, not so much the pictures of their grand kids." Landry replied bluntly.

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