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It was shocking and yet somehow, I understood him. There are times we all get jealous, before my parents passed away, sometimes I felt Maya's life was perfect, but as I grew up, I understood that was a facade, no one is quintessential, there are problems everywhere, only mine appear bigger than hers.

Jason looks at me, almost expecting that I would condemn him. I would never condemn him. He is not to blame. He was young, he was frozen in time. It is not his fault. He must not live the rest of his life blaming himself for something he had no control over. He did wish for something that was formidable, but his guilt exceeds it. He must remember his fault, but letting his past take control of his present and ultimately his future will jeopardize him. I cannot see my friend crumble like that.

"It's okay, I understand u". i give his hand a slight squeeze.

I know saying anything more will be pointless, because he does not need someone to tell him he is right or wrong, but someone who understands him an his perspective. 

He hugs me and cries. I try to soothe him. He says,"Do u really trust me?"

I don't even have to think,"I trust u, I told u my truth did I not?"

He actually has a hint of smile. There is a unknown emotion in his eyes, Trust .He says,"I told no one else, not another soul, I trusted u with my Achilles heel, now even if you shoot an arrow through it, I will not regret it, I will never take this afternoon back."

The evening passes away. We talk a lot. I tell him my favorite color, blue while he tells me his. We have a lot in common. We both love books, don't like Ms. Williams, love to walk in forests, Love gardening and love food. We both agree so much with each other, it is almost like we were made to be best friends.

The night falls and there is no electricity. It is so cold here. Only one more day here, And I am super hungry.



"I'm not sleepy"


"Let's talk"

"Its late and we should just sleep"

"And we are stuck at school with nothing to do"

"What do u wanna talk about"

"Don't u think its odd that the teachers just forgot about us and we got locked up"

"What are u implying?"

"It is almost fishy, like someone did it deliberately, Just think about it, we have had library duties before, but it was never a mess like that. There are only a few people who know the security leaves on Friday, like the football teams, that too because we sometimes come here for practice, heck, even most of the staff don't know that"

"U have a point, now that I think about it, it must not be a coincidence tat we get locked up when both Maya and ur parents are out of town"

"It must be someone who knew beforehand, I am sure there was a motive"

Suddenly like a light bulb in my head, I get a thought.

"The person is trying to damage ur reputation, and trouble me. All of the school thinks of me as the girl who fights with any and every one, while u are known to have a short fuse. We don't get along well, u lost ur class representative position because of me, It is a given people would think there is BAD BLOOD between us, U know, the perfectionist gets a detention because me and all that"

"Yeah, and they thought we would create a ruckus here, two enemies locked up together n all, we have another day here, but I have a feeling something will happen soon enough"

And unexpectedly, It did.

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