Draco Malfoy's POV

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I Walked In The Tub Part Of The First Floor Girl's Bathroom With My Hands Over My Eyes ' Arabella ,, Are You In Here ' She Giggled , ' Yes Draco And I'm Not Naked You Can Look ' Sure Enough She Was In A T Shirt And I'm Sure Some Kind Of Bottoms ' Why Are You Clothed In The Bath ? ' Her Hair Was A Disaster With Curly And Wavy Pieces Everywhere ' Myrtle Likes To Make Comments About My Boobs ' That's When I Noticed The Half Transparent Girl Sitting On The Window Seal ' Me Too But Only When You Arent Listening ' Arabella Glared At Me ' Perky For Their Large Size ,, Right ? ' I Nodded At Myrtle , ' Mouthy For A Dead Girl ,, Right ? ' That's When Myrtle Left Clearly Upset ' Wow You're Not Even Nice To The Dead ' She Rolled Her Eyes And Flipped A Page In Her Book ' Are You Just Going To Stand There Or Are You Going To Get In ? ' I Quickly Set My Books Down And Took My Shoes And Socks Off . Unbuttoning My Shirt Seemed To Take A Lifetime As She Giggled At Me Struggling But It Was More Like A Minute Before I Was In My Boxers And In The Massive Bathtub ' You're Aware If We Get Caught We're Screwed ' She Cleared Her Throat And Began To Mock Snape ' Fifty Points From Slytherin For Your Half Naked Bubble Bath ' She Slowly Removed Her T Shirt Revealing Her Dark Green Low Hanging Bikini Top She Moved Closer Cornering Me As She Crawled Into My Lap And Ran Her Fingers Through My Hair ' And That Just Wouldn't Be Fair ,, Would It ? ' I Shook My Head Unable To Find Words At Some Point She'd Gotten Her Nipples Pierced And I Wasn't Aware Of That But I Could See Through Her Top And Myrtle Was Definitely Right About Them Being Perky For Their Size . She Snaked Her Fingers Under My Chin Lifting My Head Up ' What's Wrong ? You Don't Wanna Kiss Me ? ' I Stuttered A Little Which Normally Would Have Been Pretty Embarrassing ' I .. Uhm .. Abso.. Absolutely '
Now That's How You Start A Good Saturday Morning . I Grabbed Her Hand To Help Pull Her Out Of The Tub Grabbing A Towel ,, I Wrapped It Around Her Then Kissed Her Forehead ' Was That Okay ? ' I Tried Not To Laugh So It Wouldn't Offend Her ' Best I've Ever Had ' She Smiled ' Not That I Have Anything To Compare It To ' She Raised Her Eyebrow ' You've Never Done That Before ? ' I Shook My Head ' Are You Okay Love ? ' She Reached For Her Clothes ' Better Than Okay ' We Got Dressed And Walked To Hogsmeade ' What Would You Like To Do Today Dear ? ' As If On Cue Potter And His Little Friends Turned The Corner ' Hey AJ ' Harry Nodded In My Direction ' Hey Do You Know Ron ? ' She Shook Her Head ' Not Formally But Hello AJ Potter ,, Lovely To Meet You ' She Extended Her Hand To Ron He Took It ' Bloody Hell Are We Sure You Two Are Related ? ' Was He Trying To Flirt ' I Ask Myself That All The Time Weasley ' He Seemed Confused I Suppose This Is The First Time I've Talked To Him Without Spitting Out Insults But I'm In A Good Mood ' Hermione ,, Thank You For Trying To Help With My Problem ' Hermione Nodded ' I'm Glad You Decided To Take The High Road ' Arabella Gave Her Signature Sweet Mischievous Smile ' For Now Yes ' Hermione Tilted Her Head Slightly ' There's Something Different About You ' She Looked At Me ' Both Of You ' She Couldn't Possibly Know By Looking At Us ' I'm Not Sure But We Were Just Going To Grab A Bite ,, I'll See You All Later ' They Said Their Goodbyes And We Were Back On Our Way ' You Think She Knew ? ' I Scoffed Unsure ' How Could She ? ' There's No Way . We Sat Down Awkwardly Reading Our Menus We'd Done This A Thousand Times But This Was Our First Real Date And I'd Never Really Been On One Before Except The Ball . ' What Can I Get You Today ? ' Arabella Looked At Me ' Uhm A Butterbeer With The Beef Sunday Roast And She Wants Potato Soup And A Coffee ' The Waitress Smiled ' Of Course One Moment ' Should I Have Ordered Her Food ? Was That Okay ? ' If I Wanted What You Got ' She's Been Eating The Same Thing For Five Years And Now She Wants To Change It ? ' I'm Sorry I Can Go Ask Her To Change It ' She Laughed ' Draco I'm Kidding ,, Thank You ' She Is Making Me Look Sweet  Again ' Well ,, Well Draco Malfoy ' Marcus Flint He Looked At Arabella ' On A Date Malfoy ? ' He Looked Her Up And Down ' This Is Arabella Jade Potter ,, My Girlfriend . Arabella This Is Marcus Flint He's Quidditch Captain ' She Smiled ' You Can Call Me AJ ,, Nice To Meet You ' He Nodded ' I Suppose I'll Be Seeing You At Ou First Game Then AJ ' She Nodded ' I'll Be The One In Green ' He Patted My Shoulder ' Well I'll See You Later ' He Gave Me A Thumbs Up Before Walking Away ' I Love That You Introduce Me To People With My Full Name ' Obviously ' What Else Am I Supposed To Say ,, This Is AJ . I've Never Called You That And I Like That I'm The Only Person That Calls You Arabella ' She Giggled ' I Meant Potter ,, I'm Aware That By Association With Harry Me Being A Potter Doesn't Exactly Look Good For You Considering Your Family Hates Mine ' I Shook My Head ' I Just Think Harry Is Overrated ' She Shrugged ' You're Right ,, His Mother Did All The Work Literally Dying To Protect Him And Harry Was A Baby Voldemort Could've Just Thrown Him Out The Window ' I'd Never Thought About That ' We Agree He's Overrated ' She Shook Her Head ' No The Title The Boy Who Lived Is Overrated Voldemort Being An Idiot Has No Idea With Harry Being Powerful But He Is A Nice Guy And He's Been Through A Loy . Given The Circumstances We're Lucky He Isn't A Self Centered Fame Whore ' The Lady Sat Out Drinks And Food In Front Of Us ' Thank You ' We Ate Making Small Talk And Little Jokes . It Wasn't Uncomfortable At All It Was Almost Like We'd Known EachOther Forever ,, That's Right We Have . ' Thank You Draco That Was The Best Date I've Ever Been On '

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