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After another moment of silence, Soyeon took the courage and explained the whole story of the incident that occurred to the calm yet scary Sangyeon.

After hearing the news, a disapproving look was seen on Sangyeon's face. The couple felt guilty and looked down.

"Is she okay?" Sangyeon spoke that got the couple surprised.

"Yeah she's okay." Soyeon answered.

Sangyeon then resumed treating the cuts on Changmin's lips.

Awhile later, "Aren't you mad?" Soyeon carefully asked.

"Of course, wait till I see him again. Imma kill him." Sangyeon cursed under his breath as he closed the first aid kit.

He stood up and left the couple dumbfounded.


"Wait, you know that guy?" Soyeon half-shouted as she followed him to the kitchen.

"Yeah." Sangyeon returned the first aid kit back to its place. "He was at the bus stop near my company." He then explained what he saw on that day and what he did. "Aish, I should have confronted him." He regretted then walked back to the living room.

Soyeon pondered hard as she stared at his twin, following his footsteps.

"Yeah he likes her." Changmin cleared Soyeon's deep thoughts, earning judging eyes from Sangyeon.

"She's my intern."

"Uh huh. And you like her." Changmin, who was casually eating snacks on the couch, pointed out.

"Okay okay, like her as an intern or not or what or whatsoever." Soyeon butted in before the friends could start a heated argument. "Can't you just confront him and make use of your position?"

Sangyeon shifted his gaze. "What do you mean?"

"Threaten him with filing a lawsuit." Soyeon suggested.

Sangyeon firmly pressed his lips. "I don't have that much money, Soyeon."

Soyeon rolled her eyes. "You don't have to, just make it sound as if you would."

"Would that even work?" Changmin asked with his chubby cheeks.

"You saw how he got away just now right?" Soyeon asked her boyfriend and he let out an ohh.

Soyeon was trying to imply that Jaemin might get scared off easily. Just the word 'security' made him run away. She believed that could put Jaemin's move on halt.

Sangyeon rubbed his temple. "Alright alright, I'll see how it goes."

"Just don't kill him." Soyeon added.

Sangyeon scoffed. "Says the one who was trying to kill him just now." He walked away, joining Changmin on the couch.

"That's him!" Soyeon pointed at her own boyfriend, feeling unjustified.

Changmin shrugged. "He threw you on the ground, who wouldn't be mad." 

"Dude, you should have killed him just now." Sangyeon grabbed the snacks from Changmin's hands and began munching as well.

"Your twin stopped me." Changmin chinned in her direction.

Soyeon was literally judging her boyfriend and her twin back and forth. Crazy. They are friends indeed.


Later that night, Sangyeon clicked on his conversation with his intern.

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