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Felicity POV

I put my book down and made my way out of the library, I could feel my legs pick up pace and myself almost break out into an even faster pace, I'm pretty sure if my wolf was here with me, she would want to run outside as fast as she could to investigate whatever it was I just saw. I had only managed to get a few feet down the long hall before an arm reached out from nowhere and wrapped itself around me.

"Whoa there matey where are you off to in such a rush?" Kieran asked once he pulled me to him and turned me to face him.

I looked up at him, he was gazing into my eyes with a questioning look.

"I was just going outside for some air, it feels really warm inside" I replied, it wasn't a lie but it also wasn't the whole truth.

"I don't think I've ever seen you almost run like that before in all the time you've been here" Kieran said still looking at me with a mysterious expression on his face

I was about to answer Kieran back but we were interrupted by Bradley. I was glad he showed up at the right time, maybe I could sneak off while they talked about whatever they had too.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you Alpha" Bradley said as he addressed Kieran

I took this as my chance to try and walk away but Kieran just tightened his arm around my waist, holding me close to him

"Whatever it is Bradley, I'm sure it can wait" Kieran said not tearing his gaze off me

"It really can't wait Alpha we need you urgently" Bradley said with a hint of seriousness in his tone

"Alright, what is it? Has someone done something?" Kieran asked sounding very agitated

"Some pack members who were out on patrol today found some intruders or rogues on our land" Bradley said

Kieran turned his attention back to me, giving me a quizzical look.

"How many of them and do we know who they are or what they want?" Kieran asked

"There are three of them" Bradley said answering one of Kieran's questions

"Well done, you managed to answer on of my questions Bradley, what about the other two questions you have left unanswered" Kieran asked

"Perhaps it would be best if you came with me Alpha" Bradley said in a serious tone

"Fine let me just finish up here with Felicity and I will be right with you" Kieran said but Bradley just shook his head confusing both of us

"Felicity needs to come with us" Bradley said.

Kieran looked as confused as I was, Bradley wasn't giving much away, he was being rather short with his answers

"I'm not taking Felicity to see some random rogue intruders, they may try and harm her" Kieran tried to point out

"I don't think these intruders will harm the Luna" Bradley said, without another word Bradley turned and walked off.

"Come on, stay close to me, who knows how vicious these rogues are" Kieran said as he held my hand in his and guided me in the direction which Bradley was leading us too

"You just wanted some fresh air?" Kieran whispered into my ear

"I didn't know about this, I was staying close by the house" I said trying my best to sound convincing

Bradley led us to another building a bit further away from the pack house, if I remember it correctly I'm sure Kieran told me it was called a containment centre sort of like a prison where they hold rogue wolves.

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