Ch1: Dear Diary

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Cornell University November 3, 2009

Dear Diary,

Michele Reyna Ines, that's my name. My initials are MRI...SERIOUSLY!! And what's with the missing "L"? Were they turned up in the delivery room? If you know like I know, they better not have. Shucks, my daddy is a Pastor.

I have two best friends Glenys Reid the flirt, and Farrah Elliott...just crazy. Although, sometimes they can switch it up on you. To this day, I still don't know how I got them as friends. Not that I'm complaining, but they are just so different from me. My mother doesn't like them; she thinks that they're a bad influence on me. "Chelly Pooh, I don't want them fast girls corrupting my precious Sugar Pie." Mother, I'm not 10.  Daddy always says "Jesus was a friend to sinners, and we are no better than He is." Then again, Daddy is very accepting with everyone, no matter what their lifestyles are.

Anyways, where was I? Oh yea, so I'm studying Economics at Cornell U., senior year and I yes I do have the highest GPA in my department and a few others as well...except for Physics. Thanks to Ji Kim, I am the second smartest person in the University. I intern at F.I.P., the largest financial corporation on the east coast and soon...THE WOOOOOOORLD, HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Wait! I said/wrote that didn't I? My mental/verbal filter is always acting up. I have studying to do for this exam tomorrow.

Later Diary,

MRI, the mental case.

I found this in my old account (YvonneMonet). I lost the password to Wattpad and the password to the email address attached to it, so I made a new one. But, after months of searching, I found it!!! So everything I have posted in that account will be transferred to this one. The original version is still posted there, but I'm re-writing it in this one.


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