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Time skip:

After you got to Tamarama, an ambulance was called that took Mouse to hospital. Thankfully, the paramedics said that you had relocated the joint perfectly.

Now, you were sat in the tower on your phone waiting for your shift to start when Hoppo walked in.

"Good job with Mouse's dislocation (y/n)!" He praised.

"Thanks, I was worried I was going to mess it up!" You replied.

"Well we still have the problem of whether you can do the course..." Hoppo stated.

"I think I should just do it, but don't give me a massive handicap, I'll start in the group before Chappo because then if I beat him he won't have much of an excuse" you suggested.

"They are a lot older and bigger than you, are you sure?" He questioned to which you just raised your eyebrows and gave him a look.

"Okay, okay!" He answered raising his hands up in surrender just as a call came through on his phone which he took into his office.

"So you think you can beat your brother?" Harried asked turning around in his chair leaving Beardy and Jesse watching the water.

"Definitely, he was out of breath from running from Bondi to his flat!" You laughed and Harries joined in just as Chappo took the seat next to you.

"What are you two laughing about?" He enquired.

"Oh, I was just telling (y/n) about the time Reidy went for a swim on Christmas day and Kerbox got mad because of the rain." Harries lied.

"Oh yea that was funny!"

"Chappo..." You began

"(y/n)..." He imitated making Beardy laugh faintly.

"When can I get my stuff from home?" You wondered.

"I'm not sure, why?" He responded.

"Two reasons- reason one- I haven't got many clothes and- reason two- I need to practice my guitar otherwise I'm going to lose my pitch." You explained.

"Two answers- answer one- I have a washing machine and- answer two- since when do you play the guitar and also, what is your 'pitch'?" He replied.

"C'mon Chips, I've been playing the guitar for three years, you must not pay attention" you pouted, knowing for well that you had kept the guitar playing and the singing a secret from him.

"Hold on, you're pitch.... Do you sing?" He asked, a grin spreading across his face. To this you ignored him because you knew he would make you show him.

"(y/n) Chapman, do you sing?" He questioned but you ignored him once again returning your attention back to your phone.

"Do not ignore me missy or I'll put parental controls on the TV" he threatened which caughed your attention.

"Chappo..." You whined.

"I will!" He assured standing with his hands on his hips so he was towering over you.

"Fine, yes I sing now go away!" You replied ushering him away with the hand your phone was vacant from.

"Oi don't talk to me like that!" He scolded.

"Gosh Chappo, you're turning into Mum!" You exclaimed.

"I am aren't I?" He asked as he sat down and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Yes you are" you confirmed. As you went to leave the tower for a walk along the waterfront before you started work in aboit an hour.

"Where are you going? Aren't you going to show me how you can sing?" He questioned, sticking his bottom lip out.

"I'm going for a walk along the beach and NO!" You answered- shouting the last word as you exited the tower before walking down the stairs onto the beach.

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