Breakfast in Bed

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I then left running the short minutes to Jake's house. I softly knocked on the door not even sure the exact time, I hoped I didn't wake anybody up. A few minutes later the door open and I looked down seeing the smiling face of Billy.

"Nikole." He whispered loudly. "I thought you left."

"I couldn't leave him when he needs me most."

"I'm glad you came back, he was tossing and turning all damn night, in pain or saying your name. He's been asleep for about 3 hours."

"Ok, you have breakfast yet."

"No little lady I have not, what do you have in mind?" I held up a small bag of items.

"Steak and Eggs, Pancakes, bacon, sausage, Cinnamon rolls, and OJ... well, I got coffee for you."

"Have I told you lately I love you."

"Not today." I laughed as Billy turned going into the house. I followed walking into the kitchen and starting breakfast. I moved around making as much as I could at the same time. I knew pancakes were his favorite.

"You remind me of Sarah." I paused making his cup of coffee as I heard that. I never realized that I hope it didn't make Billy feel bad. "No it's not bad, it's pleasant." I handed him his coffee and set a plate of food on the table. I then made Jacob a plate and some juice before carrying it down the hall to his room. Once I managed to get in I walked over to his nightstand and sat his plate down. I then grabbed his medication as I lightly sat on the bed next to him.

"Jacob, wake up." I said softly to him, no avail he was knocked out. "Jacob." I said raising my voice and shaking him lightly. He rolled his head over his eyes lightly fluttering, before those beautiful brown eyes opened and looked into mine.

"Nikki?" I smiled and nodded at him as he sat up fast groaning in pain.

"Jacob be careful dammit."

"This is a dream, it's gotta be a dream you aren't real." He said sadly shaking his head. I lifted my hand smacking the shit out of his face causing his head to whip to the side and a red mark to appear on his russet skin. He turned his head back glaring at me and holding his face.

"OW! What the hell was that for?"

"So you know this isn't a dream and for all the bullshit you have put me through."

"Fair enough, but I thought you were leaving."

"Halfway there I made Sam turn around. So here I am and eat your breakfast before it gets cold." Jacob then turned his head seeing the food and smiling like a kid on Christmas.

"You made me breakfast."

"Yes, now please eat."

"Join me."

"Ok, I'll grab my plate and be back." Jacob nodded his head already digging into his food as I got up and walked back into the kitchen.

"Did you smack him hard enough or do you need to do it again?" I laughed grabbing my food.

"I think he got the message."

"I'm glad you didn't give up on him Nikole."

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