His Majesty Lorenzo De Libidine was a man who exceeded in many, many things.
His beauty could have made Helen of Troy excuse herself from the room in shame, he could charm his way out of almost any predicament, and he was a rather skilled dancer.
It was unfortunate, that the thing he fell flat on was the one thing he simply must get right.
He was quite possibly the worst king the subjects of Pulchritudo had seen to date. It was infuriating knowing that the money they had laboured for was only there for the said king to spend of a frivolous spending fee or that their wives, husbands, daughters, sons, were all in danger of succumbing to his Majestys charm, only to end up another meaningless face the in the never-ending stream of Lorenzo De Libidine's flings. Servants and comrades watched time and time again as his Majesty waded his way through the citizens of his kingdom, how they were fascinating to him; until the morning of course.
Although the current king of Pulchritudo left much to be desired, compared to the neighbouring countries king he looked like a saint.
His Majesty Edvard Odium was unpredictable as the changing seasons, because of this everyone who was unfortunate enough to be close to the man, feared him to an irrational amount. His fits of rage could make even the most fearsome warriors tremble, he would regularly wreak havoc wherever he felt fit, and it would be the poor servant's job to clean whatever chaos there supposed "ruler" had created.
Now that you are more or less acquainted with these men, you are no doubt wondering why somebody hasn't told these man-children how ruthless, immature and utterly unlikeable they truly were. But it is to be said, my dear reader, saying such things is a one-way ticket to the land of the spirits. Speaking your mind was simply not an option, because it would undoubtedly land an axe through your neck, and I doubt anyone would like to meet such a gruesome fate.
Because of there foul personalities, the monarchs never had any actual companions, many people liked to boast about how they truly understood the men. How they had a friendship like no other with their ruler. These, are of course big fat porkies, the men did not have anybody who "understood" them, hell, they didn't even have anyone they particularly liked.
Well, all besides two.
The wonders of Pulchritudo and Ira
FantasyTwo kingdoms. Two kings. Both are egocentric, bratty and spoilt. They also have an unexplainable hatred for one another. Two assains. Both extraordinarily skilled in the art of murder. But fate is a funny fellow, a little too changeable for some peo...