Chapter 30

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Chapter 30



"One more." I ordered and pushed the now empty glass away from me. I was sitting at a bar and drinking my problems away.

I looked around and there weren't many people here. It was still afternoon time and people were still at their jobs. I didn't feel like going back to the office knowing that I won't get any work done feeling like shit. Sophia won't be sitting outside at her usual place and working.

The bartender placed a glass filled with alcohol in front of me before attending to other customers. I sighed as I drowned yet another glass and pushed it away, ordering another one. The bartender gave me a skeptical look, but filled my glass again. This time I took my time in drinking as I thought about what happened a few hours ago.

I had finally built up the courage to confess my feelings to Sophia, only to be turned down harshly. I knew she was lying when she said she didn't feel any of those things for me. I could see it in her eyes, but I don't know why she is fighting so much against it. I know she has feelings for me yet she doesn't want to say it out to me. I feel so stupid in confessing my feelings for her. She was the first woman I liked and opened my heart to other than my family. And she would be the last one too. I cursed myself for falling for her. I cursed myself for feelings the forbidden feelings for her. I was okay with not having any romantic relationship with anyone, but as soon as Sophia came along, everything changed. I cursed myself for getting hurt.

Without any hesitation, I drowned my glass and slammed it down with a loud bang. The bartender walked towards me and took the glass away. "More?"

Before I could reply in affirmation, a new voice spoke from behind me. "No."

There was a look of relief on the bartenders face as he grabbed the glass and walked away. I sighed and buried my head in my hand. "Did you do it?"


"Did she find out it was you?" I asked, lifting my head and facing him.

"No. She doesn't know me. She won't figure it out." He informed.

"Good." I replied and sat silently. I sighed and turned to him. "Did you see her?"

"I did. I was sitting in the waiting chair near the back."

"Is she- Was she okay?" I asked, hesitantly.

He shook her head. "From where I was sitting, she didn't look that good. She suspected it to be you who paid the bills, but since I went down there, the lady at the front desk denied seeing you there."

I nodded and smiled gratefully at Jasper. "Thank you for helping me out, Jasper."

As soon as I left the hospital, I called Jasper to go to the hospital and pay the medical bills on my behalf. I knew if Sophia figured out that it was me, she would insist on paying me back and I don't need that so I asked Jasper to do me this favour.

"What happened, William?" He asked, taking a seat next to me.

"I don't want to talk about it." I replied and gestured for the bartender.

"I don't think you should drink anymore." Jasper interjected.

"I want to forget, Jasper. Let me have this day."

He sighed and nodded to the bartender to continue. I drank and drank until I couldn't anymore. I was on the verge of passing out when Jasper announced that we are going home. I told him that I didn't want to go back to my place since I don't want anyone to worry about me. He decided to take me to his penthouse and call one of my brothers to inform them about my whereabouts.

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