My feet carried me down the hill and to the outskirts of the town. There were people bustling within with shops on either side of the cobblestone street. Drapes of lights were strewn between each building of the town. I knew then that it was a celebration for how magical it looked as well as how many people there were. "I wonder what's going on?" I asked. I decided to actually ask someone. I walked into the town, and immediately people stopped for a moment to stare at me.
I blushed, regretting my decision then and there. "Uh..." I said. "Hello. What's going on right now?"
One lady with white hair and blue eyes blinked, and smiled. "We are having our annual celebration for the birthday of Magnolia."
Eevee blinked, revealing her face from my neck. People gasped, and she hid herself again. The woman came up to me then. "I'm sorry, but may I ask what kind of creature that is?"
I blinked, and grinned. "It's a Pokémon. Well, Eevee to be exact."
"I've never heard of that. Are you from here?"
"Actually, no. I just arrived from a far away place." I couldn't tell them I was from an entirely different world. They would have thought I was crazy, or worse, an alien of some kind.
"Well, no wonder it doesn't ring a bell! Come," she led me over to one of the stands. "You and you're little friend must be hungry."
"But, I don't have any money..." I realized that I wouldn't make it very far for what I had.
"I kind of figured. Don't worry about that, I'll provide you some."
"No, I can't ask you to do that." I put my hands up in reason. "You've helped me enough just by talking to me."
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Well...because I'm different. And Eevee's different."
"That's why I'm taking that thing." I turned to look to my right, and I saw a creepy looking man glaring at me with black eyes. His purple trenchcoat made him look like a pirate, and that description was supported with his facial hair and dirty hygiene.
I gave him a look. The lady took a step forward. "I suggest you leave her alone. Or else."
"What? You going to kill me?" The man then raised his hand, and the next thing I knew, Eevee was lifted into the air by a force only known to psychic type Pokemon.
"Eevee!" I yelled as she flew over to the man while crying. He clutched her in his arm while she squirmed, and chuckled.
"This could be worth a fortune!" He laughed heartily.
My anger rose, and my hands clenched into fists. "Give her back. Now." My eyes grew dark as I glared intensly. "I'm warning you."
He humphed. "You can't scare me with that pretty face. Give it up."
"Eevee!" Her ears twitched and she immediately stopped struggling as she went into alert mode. "Hyper Beam."
Eevee leaped out of the man's arms to land on the ground, her mouth opened, and a ball of light started to form. The man was shocked as she built up the energy. When the ball was big enough, A powerful beam shot out from her mouth as she screamed her name. It knocked the man clear on his back, his mouth open in defeat with smoke rising up from his clothes. Soot covered every inch of his body.
I breathed a sigh of relief. "Eevee." I crouched as she ran into my arms with a smile. "Are you okay?"
"Vee, vee!" she answered. I cuddled with her as her soft white fur touched my face. I giggled.
"That was incredible." I looked up, and the lady with white hair and blue eyes walked up to me with her heels clacking on the stone path. "It was unlike any other magic I've ever seen! What kind of mage are you?"

Fairy Tail Eeveelution
FanfictionElena is a Pokémon trainer who wants something better in life. Being the champion of the Kalos region was fun at first, but now it's just a burden to her life. She wants something more than just beating every challenger that comes in with her Eeveel...