Just like old times

Start from the beginning

(Price takes out a shadow company soldier with a silenced ACR, Soap takes out the other one with his M21 sniper rifle)

Price: Clear, go

Shadow Company: Disciple six, we've lost all contact with disciple five. Check it out, over

Price: Top of the staircase. He's mine

Shadow Company: Roger that, Oxide. We're on the catwalk, heading to the steam room. Standby

(Price takes out a shadow company soldier with his knife)

Shadow Company: Disciple six, go dark. Breach and clear

(The cave lights go off, so Price and Soap put on night vision goggles)

Price: Here we go. Get ready

Shadow Company: Door charge planted. Breach and clear

Shadow Company: Hit it

Shadow Company: Breaching

(Shadow company soldiers come into the cave wearing night vision goggles)

Shadow Company: Foxtrot element, sweep left

Shadow Company: Search pattern echo charlie. Go

Shadow Company: Door area clear

Shadow Company: They're here! Open fire!

(Price and Soap open fire, taking out a bunch of shadow company operatives)

Shadow Company: Stay frosty! Hunt them down!

(Price and Soap fight the shadow company soldiers in the dark, and emerge victorious)

Price: Move

Shadow Company: Disciple nine, your rear guard just flatlined!

Shadow Company: Not possible. We just cleared that area. Nobody's that good, Oxide-

Shepherd: It's Price. Pack up priority items and burn the rest. Fire teams, just delay them until we're ready to pull out

Shadow Company: Several patrols have recently went silent on both sides of the base. The reports came in of three people who could rack up an impressive kill count. Not a lot of details, but one was said to be wearing a skull mask

Shepherd: Ghost? If he's alive, Player and Roach could be too

Price: Well bugger me. They're still in the fight

(Player, Roach, and Ghost are on the other side of the base fighting a patrol)

(Soap and Price go onto a catwalk on the side of a cliff to find more shadow company soldiers)

Price: Grab a riot shield, we'll need cover out here

(Soap grabs a riot shield)

Price: Take point with the riot shield. I'll take care of any resistance

(Soap charges at the shadow company soldiers with a riot shield while Price takes them out with his sniper rifle)

Shadow Company: Oxide, avatar one. We have unauthorized personnel on the catwalk. You getting this?

Shadow Company: Another team just went silent. They also sighted someone wearing skull mask

Price: We're clear, move in

Shadow Company: Butcher five, rendezvous at the nest and prepare to escort gold eagle to the LZ

Price: Gold eagle must be Shepherd! We're running outta time, lets go!

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