What you love about them

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His sense of humor.

When he returns from a mission or from visiting Chris, he always has a story to tell and with his story comes his humor and sarcastic comments.

You can't help but laugh at his humor in horrible times he was cracks a joke which always makes you laugh.

His big and kind heart.

It's no surprise that you love his heart, this man has endless passion for what he does and the choices he makes.

He can and will help anyone as best as he can. If he could, he would do charity work and he always helps elderly people.

When he was young, he would do small things for the elderly and makes sure he sees to thier needs, he would buy things for them or bake cookies for them out of generosity.

With no doubt, he loves the elderly and until this age. He would stop whatever he is doing just to listen to thier stories of thier younger dates and the experience they had or the knowledge they hold.

His determination, voice and knowledge.

Albert has huge brain capacity and anyone can see that by his walk, the way he handles him, his vocabulary and his love for using words you've never heard of.

But what you love doing is sitting on top him, head on his shoulder and listen to him read to you. His voice does many things to you and he doesn't know it. His deep voice can turn you on, scare you, make you fall asleep, calm down and convince you to do anything for him.

Therefore when he looks down onto you, you are always sleeping on him which is something that makes him feel some sort of love.

And as for his knowledge, he is like Google but just handsome and strong.

His bravery.

This man is definitely brave and will do extreme things that would make any person flip out.

You admire that about him which makes you think about what he has to deal with on a regular basis with BOW's. You have a limited amount of being brave but this guy would jump head first into danger.

His eyes and body.

Classic right but you can resist his baby blue eyes, that scar on his cheek, his musclar form that makes him look good in anything.

You generally love laying on top of him and look into his eyes. It's very calming for both of you. Just to feel your bodies close together, it's like you are healing each other.

His hair.

How can anyone deny his soft fluffy hair. It's perfect to run your hand through his bushy hair, feeling his soft curls brush against your fingers and watch it bounce back into place.

Playing with his hair is addictive and satisfying.

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