Profile: Freya Larkern

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Name: Freya Larkern

Age: 18-19 (pre timeskip)

           24-25 (post-time skip)

Birthday: July 9th

Fódlan Birthday: 9th of the Blue Sea Moon, Imperial year 1161

Resides: The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus

Crest: Major Crest of Larkern

Corresponding Dragon Sign: Sun Dragon

Hero's Relic: Silverlight

Arcana Basis: Knight of Wands [Minor Arcana]

Study Goals: Sword, Flying | Budding Talent: Bow

Likes: Books, Flying, Training

Dislikes: Cleaning, Gardening, Singing

Tea: Rose Petal Blend, Southern Fruit Blend

Close Allies: Sylvain, Ingrid, Dimitri

Crit Quotes:

1) "You can't take me down!"

2) "I will not falter!"

3) "This is real power!"



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