Name: Freya Larkern
Age: 18-19 (pre timeskip)
24-25 (post-time skip)
Birthday: July 9th
Fódlan Birthday: 9th of the Blue Sea Moon, Imperial year 1161
Resides: The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
Crest: Major Crest of Larkern
Corresponding Dragon Sign: Sun Dragon
Hero's Relic: Silverlight
Arcana Basis: Knight of Wands [Minor Arcana]
Study Goals: Sword, Flying | Budding Talent: Bow
Likes: Books, Flying, Training
Dislikes: Cleaning, Gardening, Singing
Tea: Rose Petal Blend, Southern Fruit Blend
Close Allies: Sylvain, Ingrid, Dimitri
Crit Quotes:
1) "You can't take me down!"
2) "I will not falter!"
3) "This is real power!"
Blue Fate | Fire Emblem Three Houses Fan-fiction
FanfictionFreya Larkern is a warrior and the successor to the noble Larkern family name in the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Choosing to attend the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach Monastery with her closest friends, Freya is determined to gain the strength needed...