A blow up

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"Now!" I yelled, giving the signal.

We all swooped down in different directions, Cat Noir tripped the giant with his staff and he fell to the ground. Then, Ladybug and I tied it to the ground. No one had to use their miraculous but me! I'd call that successful.

My necklace started to beep as I left the rest to Ladybug and Cat Noir.

"Bye bye, kitty, make sure you get what I need from this akuma!" I smiled.

"Will do, whiskers."

I took off down the street as Mullo talked to me.

"Why do you flirt with him so much- you know you can never know who he really is!"

"I know, I know.." I sighed, "I have just always looked up to him and Ladybug."

"I'm sorry- Ma- Ladybug is normally much nicer..."

"Why is that?" But before Mullo could respond- a new akumatized person had popped up, this time it was Explodo- I had heard about him on the news- he could blow up objects around him.

I gave Mullo some peanut butter and when no one was around I yelled, "Mullo! Get Squeaky!"

I got back up to the rooftop and sighed, "Ugh, is it always like this, kitty?"

"Not always but it's no walk in the park." He smiled a bit and looked at me expectantly, "So, you have a plan, whiskers?"

"No- I - I'm sorry- I "

"It's okay- we can't rely on you for everything." Ladybug interjected.

"T-Thanks... So how do we deal with Explodo?"

"Well last time i suppressed his explosions with cold. But i'm not so sure that will work now."

"What if I rush at him as my clones- he will be distracted with me and you can get the akuma."

"Not bad, whiskers."

I squeaked a bit and smiled, "Alright, ready?"

"Whenever you are, Mousi." Ladybug smiled at me.

I split into 10 and raced at him, scared he might blow the real me up. He blew clone after clone up until i was the only one left yet Ladybug hadn't moved, not because she didn't want to but because the giant from earlier had been reakumatized and grabbed her.

Cat Noir looked at both of us, unsure of what to do before racing to my side- He'd knock Explodo out and take the akuma, holding it in his hands. We rushed to Ladybug but she had used her lucky charm to get out.

"Well that went well..."

"Not everything happens according to plan, whiskers, it's alright."

"We'll get 'em next time!" Ladybug smiled.

"Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?" I squeaked.

"I-" She didn't know what to say.

"I have been nothing but nice to you since I became Mousi and yet you still treat me like garbage- until now! Why!?" I teared up.


I run off- crying and shaking, I sneak into my room and sit on my balcony- back to plain old Y/n. I spotted Cat Noir looking for me and just stared. He saw me and landed on my railing.

"Have you seen Mousi- wait- You're Y/n right?"

"Uh- yeah how did you know-?"

"U-Uhm- I'm friends with Adrien!" He smiled nervously.

I blushed- does that mean Adrien told him about everything I said-? "I-" I squeaked a bit.

He looked surprised but smiled, "Mousi does a cute squeak like yours too."

I was red- C-Cute-? "W-Wait- Did Adrien mention anything else about me, other than that I just moved here?"

He smirked. "Just that you thought I was cute, heroic, and suave~"

I squeaked and hid my face.

"Well, Y/n, we should hang out sometime. Though right now I need to find Mousi." He winked and took off.

"I should transform and talk to him."

"Oh no you don't! I am EXHAUSTED." Mullo squealed at me.

"But-" I whined.

"Cat Noir can wait."

"Hmmmphhh" I walked back into my room and flopped on my bed.

Maybe I was too hard on her... Though she was being very rude I should have let her explain herself. I sighed. No use crying over spilled milk...

Thanks so much for reading. If you liked this part make sure to like and leave a comment! If you want to be notified when the next part comes out follow me! I hope you guys liked it and are looking forward to part 6!

(733 Words)

Cat And Mouse (Cat Noir x Reader) (Adrien Agreste x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now