We're all in this together

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"Dani. Please. Put it down. Give me a minute. Just a minute. That's all I need. A minute would be enough. Please."

.   .   .

Just do it.

The only thought that ran through her head.

Is this not what you want?

"5 years." she whispered. "5 whole years, and-" her voice broke.

5 whole years and still nothing has changed.

5 whole years and still no one has noticed.

She hdn't been eating well.

It was 'I'm not hungry', or 'I'll eat later', or any of her other plethera of excuses to avoid food being in her system.

The thought of eating disgusted her.

It just makes me fat.

She had been harming herself.

Lauren had almost found out, as they shared an apartment, and she found the razor, dripping with fresh blood.

Dani had to come up with an excuse, fast, and ended up lying that she was shaving her legs and cut herself by accident.

Of course, it hadn't been by accident, but Lauren didn't need to know that.

She hadn't been sleeping well.

Thank goodness concealer existed, or else Lauren would have noticed the black circles beneath Dani's eyes.

She had self-diagnosed insomnia, caused by stress, and it would make her stay up hours into the night.

She picked up the butcher knife she had brought from the kitchen and stared at herself in the mirror.

Her eyes were glistening with tears, which she had tried to blink back furiously with no luck.

When was the last time she had cried?

Tears are bad. Crying is showing emotion. Emotion is bad. Feelings are bad.

She inhaled deeply and shut her eyes, bringing the blade closer and closer to her heart. 

She smiled softly to herself as the knife connected with her shirt, when she heard a voice, and startled, dropped the knife.


It was Lauren.

Of course it was Lauren.

"Bad time, Laur," Dani bit her lip, giving her elder sister a forced lopsided grin.

Dani brought her gaze to her Lauren's eyes.

Lauren was crying, but looked away when she realized Dani was watching her.

Like Danielle, Lauren wasn't a fan of showing emotion.

Dani used this time to pick up and repostion the blade over her heart when once again, Lauren spoke up.

"Dani. Please. Put it down. Give me a minute. Just a minute. That's all I need. A minute would be enough. Please." Lauren shook her head lightly, more tears tracing down her cheeks.

"So much for being a woman of few words," Dani said blandly, not meeting Lauren's eyes. She knew that her older sister's innocent chocolate eyes would cause her to burst into tears and sob heavily into the elder's chest.

But the 19 year old had a job to do, and she planned to get it done today.

She had delayed it much too many times.

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