Chapter 86: Theatre Production

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The next update is finally here! This chapter has lots of twists so let's get one with it! We shall see what happens...

"Wow this is so fancy," Sophie breathed as she and Nick walked into the grand  theatre production building.

They drove for an hour to get to this place. Sophie had to get ready ahead of time and she had to dress fancy. She had reluctantly called Biana over to help her. Biana had put tons of makeup of Sophie and dressed Sophie in a long and silky red thin-strapped dress. Sophie felt like she was going to prom or something but Nick insisted that the theatre production they were going to was for rich and fancy guests.

Here is the dress:

It honestly made Sophie secretly question how rich Nick was

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It honestly made Sophie secretly question how rich Nick was. Like, Stina was pretty wealthy but not as wealthy as Nick seemed.

Hmm...maybe Nick was rich because of his biological parents...

Sophie was brought out of her thoughts when Nick linked his arm with Sophie's and asked, "shall we?"

Sophie eagerly nodded. It had been months since Nick had brought the theatre production up on Valentine's Day. Time had gone by so fast since then and it was already May.

During those months, Sophie had continued to date Nick. Not much had happened with the Neverseen. They were still quiet but Sophie knew they were planning something and she was scared that they would pounce at any moment. That scary thought made tremors run through Sophie's body and she moved her hand up to her neck.

Sophie had been guarding the key to the special box the Neverseen had and always kept it on a chain around her neck.

Sophie sighed in relief when she felt that it was secure but Sophie still felt dizzy. Sophie's panic attacks had been getting worse within the past few months. Sophie had been taking medication wasn't working as well as she hoped.

There were a few instances where Sophie would pass out on the ground and she was sent to the hospital. Like a few times when Sophie would be on a date with Nick, he would trip over or fall and it would create flashbacks when he almost fell into the river and died that day in the woods. Those flashbacks would cause Sophie to black out and Nick would always have to rush her to the hospital.

Or a few times, Sophie would catch glimpses of Edaline's scars and that would cause Sophie to black out too.

Sophie was starting to wonder if the panic attacks would do worse damage one day...

And as for Keefe the past months...well he was still disappearing a lot. Sophie had gone a few times to check on him but he would always tell her not to worry and to trust him. But Sophie was genuinely worried and it definitely didn't help that there was still tension between them from that day when she yelled at him after figuring out that there was nothing in the special box.

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