A/N: I hate putting these at the beginning of my chapters...BUT ANYWAY there will be some minor shipping in this chapter. I just don't want to get into any shipping wars about this. I know there are people who ship UsUk and I have my reasons not to. So, sorry if you don't ship FrUk...that's what's in here.
You yawned and sat up. Looking around the room, you realized you were in the master bedroom. You looked over. Toni's side of the bed hadn't been slept in. Oh, that's right. He didn't want you to feel awkward so he slept in the guest bedroom. And he had, of course, taken the Spanish flag blanket with him.
The sun streaming through the window warmed up the room. You got out of bed and walked into the hall. The room across from yours was Lovi's. Peeking in, you realized he was still asleep. The slight rise and fall of the comforter signaling that the child was breathing made you feel very content and calm.
Down the hall was Feli's room. He was not in it. Suddenly there was a loud 'CLANG' like pots falling. Lovi came out of his room, rubbing his eyes. "Buongiorno, Madre," the small brown-haired boy said sleepily. He was so cute.
"Good morning, Lovi." You walked over to him and picked him up. You expected him to wiggle out of your grasp, but he let you carry him downstairs.
The two of you went into the living room where you found Feli playing with a paper airplane. "Look Mama!" Feli threw the plane. It looped perfectly and landed on the floor.
You smiled. "Good job, Feli." You looked at Lovi. "Do you want to play with your brother, or do you want to go find Papa with me?"
Lovi yawned. "I wanna stay with you."
"Alright," you said as Feli went back to playing. You walked into the kitchen. And there was Toni, picking up a bunch of pots and pans. That must've been the loud noise from earlier.
On the counter was a cutting board and a knife, a carton of eggs, milk and various vegetables(mostly tomatoes). Looked like he was going to make omelettes. "Omelettes, huh?" you asked.
Toni turned around and smiled. "Si. Y buenos días, (y/n) y Lovi." The sounds of the Spanish words rolling off Toni's tongue so naturally like that was amazing.
You had taken Spanish all through school even though there were plenty other choices for a foreign language. French, German, Latin. There was even a class for Swedish. But, no. You took Spanish so you were quite fluent yourself. "Buenos días, Toni."
Toni smiled. He out the last pot away and returned to the cutting board. He began to chop up a tomato. That's when Feli came racing into the room.
"Mama, Papa, are Alfie and Mattie coming over today?" he asked excitedly.
You looked at Toni. He nodded. "Yes, they are Feli. Uncle Francis and Arthur are coming as well. Arthur hasn't seen Mama yet since we brought her home yesterday."
Feli cheered. "Yay! I get to play with Lovi and Mattie and Alfie today!"~Timeskip, brought to you by the FACE family~
"(Y/n), it's so good to see you," greeted a man with a British accent, messy blonde hair, striking green eyes and just about the bushiest eyebrows you've ever seen. The man who walked in behind him was Francis. A small boy with blonde hair just a little shorter than Francis' with a curl that bobbed every time he moved, glasses and violet eyes held onto Francis' hand. The other boy had dirty blonde hair in a slight cowlick and bright blue eyes. He held onto the other little boy's hand.
"Uh, hi. Umm, I know this might sound a little strange but I don't remember you at all," you said.
The man looked at you for a moment and smiled. "That's quite alright, love. My name is Arthur. I'm Francis'...partner, I guess you could say."
You nodded. "Okay. And who are these two little boys?" you asked, referring to the blonde children.
"My name is Alfred!" the one with the blue eyes said.
The other boy cringed at the sheer volume of Alfred's voice. "I'm Matthew," he said quietly.
"It's nice to meet you, Arthur, Alfred and Matthew. I'm sorry I don't remember you."
"That's okay. We understand why." The voice was very quiet. It belonged to Matthew.
"Can we go play with Lovi and Feli now?" asked Alfred.
Arthur sighed. "Go ahead."
Alfred pulled Matthew along and went to go find your boys. You noticed Matthew was carrying a stuffed polar bear.
You could feel another flashback coming on.~Flashback~
"Happy birthday, Mattie!" you said with a huge smile. All of the other country personifications were there to celebrate the young personification of Canada's first birthday.
Mattie was smiling as well. Arthur took the present you handed to him. He took the item out of the bag. It was a stuffed bear. A polar bear. He handed it to Mattie. Mattie held onto it tightly.
"Oh, merci (y/n). Polar bears are 'is favorite. I'm sure he will keep it with him forever." Francis was smiling as well, holding onto a baby Alfie who wasn't much older than Mattie. But, they were both adopted so they weren't blood related.
Mattie gurgled something that sounded like 'Kumajiro'.
"Hmm...Kumajiro. I think that sounds like a lovely name for this bear, don't you, Mattie?" Arthur asked.
Mattie giggled. "We'll take that as a yes," you smiled.
~End of Flashback~"I believe we got Kumajiro for Matthew when he was a baby. His first birthday, if my flashback was right. Arthur, I remember you and Matthew and Alfred. Mattie and Alfie. A lot of people were there, but it was blurry. I only recognized you four, Toni, Feli, Lovi, Eliza, Gil and Roderich. I can't remember anyone else," you sighed.
You could only remember ten people. There were so many other people you needed to remember. But, in your flashback, five people stood out a little more than the others. A bunch of names jumbled around in your head, appearing from the back of your mind. You placed the names on them by height of the person. The order was Berwald, then Mathias, then Lukas, then Tino and lastly Emil. Who were they?

Amnesia(Spain x Reader)
FanfictionBoth Hetalia and all characters from it mentioned in this story belong to Hidekaz Himaruya. You belong to you and the plot belongs to me! Ameera also belongs to me, as she is my Hetalia OC(Malaysia aka Ameera Kelpi) Yay! Enjoy~ Ve~