Third Person Pov:"Boss, I don't think it's a good idea to unhook him yet," Larry says to his boss, Bing. "Remember? It's recommended when someone's heart is replaced with a robotic one that they should stay in their coma for ten years before waking up-"
"Yes yes yes I understand that Barry," Bing says as he checks his patient's vitals.
"It's Larry-"
"Silence Jerry! I need to make sure he's all healthy before I unhook him from the sleeping formula," Bing says and Larry sighs as Bing checks the unconscious man's new heart with a old fashioned stethoscope. "But to answer your question Gary, yes it is recommended we wait five more years until we unhook him from the formula. But the world doesn't have time for that right now," Bing takes the stethoscope plugs out of his ears and places them down. "Don't you remember? I cloned the Rebellion leaders, Red Leader, and this man right here several years ago. And Red Leader was by far the most violent clone I created, I've seen this man defeat the Red Leader several times with my own two eyes! Once I bring him back to life then he's sure to save the world from going deeper into communistic doom."
"But there's also a 78% chance his memory won't be all there if we unplug him early! He'll only have so little memory if we don't wait the next five years and there's no way he could beat Red Leader if he doesn't remember anything! His mind will be completely empty! He might not even know how to walk or speak for all we know!"
"That may be true, but I've been taking notes of everything that's happened since my clones failed to make my movie the greatest of all time! He could just learn everything again from my notes! Haha!" Bing says with a proud smile. "You remember my notes don't you? I figured long ago if I learned more about them then I could make a even better movie full of their adventures! But ever since I created the best movie of their lives five years ago, I got in big time trouble.. and now I must hide for the rest of my life..."
"I know Boss, I was there," Larry says with a empathetic look on his face, it was his boss's dream to create the best movie of all time, but ever since he created the movie and put it in theaters he was proclaimed as a spy of the Rebellion and he had to run away from being executed, with Larry having to go with him since he was accused of being the spy's accomplice. But now that he has saved the possible savior of the world's life, he figures once the world is saved then he can start making movies again! Except after five years, he's getting quite impatient and just wants to save the world already so he can continue his dream again!
"That's why I must start now.. or I might just never make a movie again," The Director says then takes a hold of the needle in the man's arm, he turns to Larry and asks, "Ready Benny?"
Larry sighs again, he knows there's no convincing his boss otherwise. Larry nods with a unsure smile as he responds, "Yeah Boss, I'm ready."
Bing slowly pulls the needle out of the man's arm and quickly covers the slightly bleeding mark with a small bandaid, the man's visor flickers on and off a few times before the green digital eyes finally appear on the screen. You can hear the mechanical heart in his chest beating loudly now that he's awake since it was much slower when he was sleeping, this loud beating can either make you terribly uncomfortable or relaxed depending on the person.. In this case, the man who has the heart absolutely hates it and cringes right when he wakes up.
"What is that godawful sound?" The man says then turns to the man beside the bed. "Who are you- Wait.. Who the bloody hell am I?" He looks around with the beating being louder in his head then outside his body (Which mind you, it's also very loud outside of his body as well). He then looks to the place his heart is located and sees the skin making up and down motions with every beat, this is actually quite disturbing. "Jesus christ what is that?!" He quickly sits up in a panic, but gets extremely dizzy immediately and falls back down, he holds his head and groans.. that's when he notices the headset. "Holy fuck- What the-" He feels around the visor and only panics more. "What the hell am I?! A cyborg?!" He then turns to the concerned men and shouts, "Explain who everyone in this room is and why I have a pulsating chest and a big screen on my head! I need fucking answers!!"
Fanfiction(Sequel to "No Fear") Five years later. . . The almighty Red Leader has taken over the world and the rebellion has gone into hiding with Paul as the Rebellion's loyal spy. As far as anyone's concerned, Tom's been dead for a long time now even if the...