"you should pay for therapy"

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Toni was convinced that the Scooby Gang was up to something.

They'd been talking in half-completed sentences and knowing looks for the past week.

It had begun right after they'd found out Cheryl spent more time at her run-down trailer than she did at her literal mansion.

"Cheryl? The girl who lives and breathes money? At your trailer?" Jughead had stared at her with wide eyes; Fangs and Sweet Pea just shrugged.

"Use protection tiny." Sweet Pea had a bruise on his arm that last for days after that comment.

"Why is this such a big deal?" Toni sighed when Jughead had brought it up at lunch the following day, drawing the attention of everyone else.

"Because this is Cheryl we're talking about. Serpent hater, rich girl, top of the food chain."

"Why are we talking Cheryl when she's not here?" Veronica asked with an amused smile.

"T here mentioned Cheryl almost lives with her in the Southside." Fangs said with a smirk.

"She does not live with me." Toni grumbled as the rest of them processed the information.

"What's her angle then?" Betty asked, leaning forward, full-reporter mode on.

"Studying?" Toni rolled her eyes and regretted ever mentioning Cheryl's name to the boys. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back on the sofa.

"What's happening here?" Toni's eyes popped open and saw Cheryl's face hanging over hers, eyes narrowed at the rest of their friends.

"Nothing." Veronica said cheerfully. Toni rolled her eyes as Cheryl looked down at her. Toni grinned.

"I feel like Spiderman."

"Does that make me MJ?" Cheryl tilted her head with a small smirk playing at the corner of her lips. Toni's eyes widened and her jaw snapped shut.


So now Toni was convinced the Scooby Gang was up to no good.

She'd begun keeping a mental notebook of all the times they'd looked at her. It was off-putting to say the least and when she started to notice that it wasn't just her they were keeping an eye on, she got nervous.

It was no secret that Toni had a bit of a thing for Cheryl. At least the Serpents all knew about it, which is why she blames Fangs' whiskey on the trailer comment.

"What are they planning?" Toni jolted as Cheryl sat down next to her. Toni scratched the back of her neck and shrugged.

"Not a clue but I don't like it." Toni and Cheryl shuddered as their friends stared at them before going into a huddle.

It was when Archie turned to face them with an innocent, charming smile that Toni felt dread crawl over her skin.

"I'm throwing a party Friday night, you two comin'?" Toni squirmed under the eyes watching the pair of them and found herself almost using Cheryl as a buffer.

"Sure. There better be alcohol Andrews." Cheryl said, her eyes drifting to Toni's shrinking body and laced their fingers together. The effect on Toni was almost instantaneous; she immediately relaxed and let a smug smile grace her features.

"Sure thing Arch. Got a place I can keep my bike?" Archie nodded and Toni flicked him a thumbs up.

"Guess they were just planning a party." Cheryl shrugged when they had turned back around. Toni narrowed her eyes at the mischievous grin on Veronica's face.

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