Hex's Letter to Sain

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Dear Sain,

If you are reading this, that means I'm gone. Ether I have vanished without a trace or I'm dead. I made this letter the night before we all left for the thanksgiving holiday. I just had a bad feeling. There are many things that I have not told you or any of the others. Things like why I will not be in any citizen database., or that Hex does not exist. Sain, I truly don't exist. I have no birth record in any kingdom, even from the one I was born into.

Years ago I fled my kingdom and my parents. I was from a place that killed all people that showed magical traits. I was not killed. I was experimented with. They wanted to know how some people could be born with the power and others could not. When I ran I lost myself to many names and crimes. When Avol found me I was ready to die. Avol brought me back from the brink of death and brought me here. I have no idea how he got me to stay here without others finding out I was not one of them. But it was you who kept me here. I don't know why a scraggly, badly hairstyle, boy kept me here for so long, but you did. As you kept me here I felt more at home and at peace. I had found a place where people were not terrified of me because of my abilities or a place where I was terrified of being caught with my abilities.

At first I hated you for it. I did not want to me chained down to one place. But over time my hatred dissolved as you knocked down any and all walls to my heart. It really scared me but I couldn't bring myself to leave.

God I really have no idea how to say this in any language but the bottom line is, Sain. I love you. You were there anytime I needed you. You showed me joy and happiness and love, where I had none before. Sain I love you always but don't stop at just loving me. If I ran off that means my past has come to get me so don't wait up. If I'm dead, always remember me but learn to love another.

This is probably a horrible letter but it covers all the bases. I love you, Sain. From life to afterlife. Forever.

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