John 4:39
Many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony, "He told me all that I ever did."Reflect
The Samaritan woman had five husbands and was living with another man who is not her husband. Not a good way to start your devotion isn't it. In those days, Jews have no business with Samaritans because they were considered unclean because of their ancestors.
Nonetheless, Jesus, a jew, chose to have a conversation with this woman. The woman hadn't known Him yet, He was a stranger for her, but He told her what her current situation is and, despite of it, offered her living water (see John 4:1-42). Jesus showed her that He is not an ordinary man. He is the Messiah!
Three things that I wanna share to you from this narrative:
First, Jesus knows every sin you commit. He knows the judgments in your head, the hidden agenda of your actions, and the darkest secret you have hidden in your heart. Every thing of every second, He sees you.
This could be scary or creepy, isn't it.
But the second fact is that, He is compassionate, forgiving, and loving towards you. When He reveals to you what He knows about your ugly sins and mistakes, He doesn't condemn but He gives you solution to fix the problem. He gives you grace to avoid sin, and His love sheds light into the darkest part of your heart, gradually making a change within.
He is your living water that makes you alive, your light, your life.
The third thing is that you can boldly proclaim Jesus' love because of the change that He did in you. The pivotal, crucial moment in your life where Jesus just filled every emptiness, breathed life to your soul, is the power of the gospel unto salvation, which makes you unashamed to just go out there and tell everyone what Jesus did (Rom. 1:16).
Despite of Him knowing everything about you, He loved you anyway, and is constantly changing your heart. By that, you can be confident on sharing Jesus because you experienced His radical love first hand. You can boldly share so that others will experience the same revival.
Just like the Samaritan woman who passionately declared to everyone who Jesus is and what He has done, even exposing her sin, you could also do the same.
With no guilt and shame, your testimony could also start the revival of those around you for them to see Jesus.
Pray a prayer of thanksgiving over what Jesus has done in changing your heart, for giving you a brand new life and a fresh start to live a full life.
Write at least two (2) names you want to share the gospel to for this week. Ask God to ready your heart, to give you the right words, and to help you connect to them deeply.
I hope you learned something in our Day 23.
Don't hesitate to share your insight below. :))Don't forget to vote and share so others might see and read this, too.
God bless. ♡
30 Days of Daily Grace
Spiritual30 DAYS OF DAILY GRACE is a 30-day devotional. It covers Biblical anxiety and fear issues, transitions in life, waiting and processes, relationships, becoming into the person God wants you to be, to love like Christ, and how to glorify the Lord in e...