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Harry awoke to the end credits playing to, what he had assumed, was Brave. But glancing at the clock, he realized that there was no way that the movie had only just finished.

"Good morning Sleeping Beauty," Natasha teased, looking over at the teen.

"It's not morning," Harry grumbled, voice groggy and a bit grumpy from sleep. "It's eleven."

"We went ahead and watched a movie without you, sorry about that," Natasha chuckled, and Harry had to smile as he realized that, at some point, Clint had moved back to his perch.

Harry stuck out his bottom lip out in a fake pout, but he couldn't help but giggle when he saw that Clint had tears running down his face.

"What movie did you watch now?" Harry asked, rolling his eyes at the sniffling archer.

"I showed him Homeward Bound," the assassin replied, shaking her head at her friend. How he managed to be so cut throat and badass on missions appalled her, considering the fact that the movie had been over for almost five minutes and he still hadn't composed himself once more.

"Is that the one Peter talks about with the dogs that get lost?" Harry questions, recognizing the name but knowing that he had never seen the movie. Based on both Clint and Peter's reactions, he wasn't sure he wanted to.

"Yeah. The big baby up there didn't even make it to the saddest part before he started bawling his eyes out."

Clint threw up a finger, and Nat returned it, an evil smirk on her face.

"The dog didn't think he could do it!" Clint whined, curling himself into a tighter ball within the nest. "I had to turn off my hearing aids at the end because his sad whimpering was making me cry."

Harry knew he shouldn't find this as funny as he did, but heck, he was tired, and the idea of Clint scrambling to come up with an idea to make the movie less sad, was cracking him up.

"Wow, I didn't realize it was so late," Nat spoke, glancing down at her watch.

"Are Steve and Bucky home yet?" Harry questioned, looking instinctively towards the elevator.

"Bucky texted me about an hour ago, saying they were heading home now. So they should be here any time," she replied.

Almost on cue, the elevator arrow lit up, and a soft ding echoed through the living room. Clint gracefully dismounted his perch and landed almost silently on his feet. Harry had always thought of Clint as a dog and Natasha as a cat, but with how silently Clint was able to land, he almost changed his mind.

"I believe it's past your curfew, boys," Nat teased, crossing her legging clad legs to sit in a position that reminded Harry of all strict parents in movies.

Steve blushed, but Bucky laughed. Harry noticed they were standing quite close to one another, hands intertwined and hidden a bit.

"Okay, Cap looks like he just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, spill," Tony declared upon entering the room; straight to the point with no small talk. Behind him, Pepper shook her head as she, too, entered the room.

At this, Steve's face turned even brighter red. Harry had no idea how he managed to do all of the spy and agent work with S.H.I.E.L.D, and keep such large secrets, but when it came to him and Bucky, his face would tell all.

Bucky glanced towards Steve, a tentative look on his face. He hadn't expected everyone to still be awake and congregated in the living room when they arrived back. He had sort of hoped that everyone would be in their individual rooms, and maybe Steve would allow them to go to their room and do a bit of... celebrating.

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