#12 First date

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Synopsis : Percy and Annabeth go to a real first date, this time without school fires and empousa. 

Words : 1670


Don't mess this up.

Don't mess this up.

Don't mess this up.

Don't. Mess. This. Up.

This was all Percy could think of as he combed his wild, untamed hair. He didn't even know why he was fussing so much about it. It wasn't as if it was a date, he was just hanging out with Annabeth. That's it. It didn't help settle his nerves though. He really wished he wasn't going to mess this up.

When he was satisfied with his hair, he went outside his room to his mom, who was still doing her makeup for a job interview.

An hour later, he was sitting in the back of a taxi, going to camp, Annabeth next to him, ignoring him as if he punched her grandmother.

He messed it up.


Percy stared at himself in the mirror, trying to comb his hair. He was in the same position once again, the only difference being that it had been a year and that Annabeth was now his girlfriend. He really hoped he wouldn't mess it up. Again. He prayed she wouldn't dump him because he was pretty sure something was going to happen.

He ditched his hair when he heard the doorbell ring. He swung open the door and saw Annabeth on the other side. Half her curly blonde hair was down, the other half in a bun that sat atop her head. She was wearing a light blue dress with black high tops and a plaid shirt tied around her waist.   Percy couldn't tell whether or not she wore makeup.

She was holding a single red rose in her hand.

Before Percy could say anything, she said, "Hey! You look... Very handsome. Got this for you." She handed him the rose which he wordlessly took.

"Can I come in?" She asked. Percy gestured for her to go inside. He found his voice as he closed the door behind her, "Isn't this my  job?" He mentally slapped himself. His girlfriend just came to his house for a date with a rose in hand, looking like a freaking goddess, and all he said was isn't this my job!?

"I think so. Does it matter? Better me than you, at least I don't stutter." She said, sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"I do not stutter." He said, hoping his cheeks weren't noticeably red. "How do you even know? This is literally our first date." She shrugged.

"You know what? Let's do this again. Assume this is your home." Ignoring her raised eyebrow, he made his way out the door, shutting it behind him with a click. He  faced the door, rose still in hand, and took a deep breath. He raised a hand and pressed down on the bell. He heard the sound resonating through the whole house and heard Annabeth's footsteps as she came to the door.

She opened the door and he looked at her quickly, trying to not let her think he was checking her out. Once he took in her appearance again, he thrust the hand forward, which held the rose.
"You look beautiful." She rolled her eyes and ignored the rose, going back inside the apartment.

"Hey! I spent so long looking for a flower and you're just going to ignore me?" He said, following her inside the door, pouting.
"Yep." She said, popping the 'p' and stopping in the middle of the room, turning to face him. "Also, there's literally a florist shop like a block down."

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