Chapter 44: Save You

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Gasps rippled through the room as realization hit everyone. Renjun had stood rigid in his spot, unable to move his legs.

Grab your fucking gun. Take it out and pull the trigger.

Despite the commands from his brain, his arms refused to move, as if already accepting his fate.

At the same time, the rest of the men from Golden Peasants rushed in, each one of them taking on of NCT. Before one of the men could reach Hana, she had already sprinted forward at lighting speed.

"NO!" Hana let out a horrifying scream and grabbed onto Siyeon's arm, forcing it back before she could throw out the syringe.

"Hana, don't!" But the desperate member's refusal were no use already.

"You. Don't. Fucking. Lay. A. Finger. On. Renjun." Hana pushed her face up to Siyeon's spitting out every syllable as if it was a swear word. The anger boiled deep in her system, as hot as lava. It churned within, hungry for destruction, and Hana know it's too much for her to handle.

Renjun has protected her too many times. She owned him too much.

I'll save you this time, Renjun.

"I'm sorry I was about to kill your boyfriend." Siyeon batted her eyelashes. Despite her injury, her arm was still strong against Hana's.

"Since I can't lay a fucking finger on him,"

Hana shoved her arm back even more, hearing the crack she wanted.

"I'll lay one on you."

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