Chapter 11

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"Some say people who meet each other accidentally, fell for each other. They are destined to meet. But you are my destiny. Where my all destination end...."


 6 Years Later, 2026

Wang Yibo: Wang Yibo is 24 years old now. He graduated at 22 years old. Currently he is doing his own business. He is the youngest billionaire now. Still engage with Wang Zi Xuan.

Xiao Zhan: He is 23 years old now. He didn't complete his gradation. He left his graduation course in middle. Currently he is a owner of small bakery shop in Xicheng district of Beijing.

Zhou Cheng: Zhou Cheng is 24 years old now. He graduated at 22 years old. Currently he is engaged with Zoey Meng and doing business with his father.

Xu Weizhou: Xu Weizhou is 24 years old now. He graduated at 22 years old. He is in military now.

Yu Bin: Yu Bin is 24 years old now. He also graduated at 22 years old. He is currently in USA doing some business there.

Zoey Meng: Zoey Meng is 24 years old now. She graduated at 22 years old. She is currently engage with Zhuo Cheng.

Chen Zhuo Xuan: Chen Zhuo Xuan is 25 years old now. She graduated at 23 years old. She is currently waiting for Yu Bin's return from USA.

Xuan Lu: Xuan Lu is 26 years old now. She is currently married with Cao Yi Chen.

Wang Zi Xuan: Wang Zi Xuan is 24 years old now. She graduated at 22 years old. Still engage with Wang Yibo.


3rd Person Pov

In Wang Yi Zhuo Mansion

Two days later Wang Yibo and Wang Zi Xuan will be getting married. Today is their pre-wedding photoshoot. Its been two hours they are still doing photoshoot. All photos are coming wrong way. They start doing photoshoot at 8am. Sometimes Wang Yibo looking other side or sometimes move away from Wang Zi Xuan. Wang Zi Xuan keep coming closer to Wang Yibo. But Wang Yibo making bad faces. That's all he is doing. And that's why they are taking these much pictures. But nothing coming out perfectly.

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