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The first week or so is always the hardest. Homework and classes are suddenly piled on top of you instead of the free time and days you had during the Summer. I had my first class with Professor Lupin with Gryffindor today, which only meant one thing; Fred and George. I entered the classroom with Adrian, Jaz and Terence. There wasn't any desks which confused me so we stood to the side and discussed what could be going on. Out of nowhere, a banging noise could be heard. Most of the class jumped with fright, looking around for the source. We soon discovered that it came from a large wardrobe positioned at the top of the class. It shook violently every few moments, almost as if something inside was trying to break free. "It's all right." A voice spoke coming from behind the wardrobe, "It's contained in here." He smiled. "Gather round, gather round." He forced us all to gather in the center of the room but Terence, Jaz, Adrian and I remained to the side as we were happier there. "I'm Professor Lupin and I will be your Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher this year. I know you all are fifth years, but today I'd thought we'd do some revision since I do have hold of such a creature." He smiled placing a hand on the wardrobe beside him. It shook again, making few students jump, "Intriguing, isn't it? Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?"

There was a pause as Lupin paced up and down in front of the wardrobe. "A boggart." Alicia Spinnet spoke out.

"Very good, Miss Spinnet." Lupin smiled, "I'm sure you all know the traits of a boggart." Everyone in the class nodded, "And I assume you know the charm to repel a boggart?"

"Riddikulus." Lee Thomas spoke out.

"Very good." Lupin smiled, "Everyone on the count to three without wands please, one, two, three -"

"Riddikulus." Everyone spoke.

"Very good, shall we get started?" He asked.

I looked between Adrian, Terence and Jaz, "You aren't seriously going to let that thing loose are you?" I asked. Lupin's eyes met mine as did everyone else in class.

"Ah, Ms Tonks, I was wondering when I'd be hearing your input." He chuckled, "Well, we all know the charm, I have confidence that you can produce the incantation of a third year charm?"

"I can, but what if -" Thoughts circled my head. I didn't want the boggart taking the form of anything to do with my family that could give away my identity. "Fair enough." I sighed retiring from the conversation knowing that I wouldn't win.

"Everyone form a line." Everyone gathered in the center of the room in a line directly in front of the shaking wardrobe. "Easy now." Lupin spoke as some of the Gryffindors got really excited and began pushing and shoving. The four of us jumped in near the middle of the line, even though I wanted to be last or not go at all. Lupin stood to the side and began playing a vinyl, "Ready? Off you go, Miss Johnson." He smiled waving his wand at the wardrobe, the door knob unlocking and the door slowly creaking open. Angelina stepped forward. A pale hand grabbed the open door and soon a fully cloaked body emerged. A tall, slim, pale figure draped in dark cloaks. He was human, only just. Most of the students began screaming and trying to run out of the classroom. "Riddikulus!" Lupin beckoned and soon the figure began sucking a dummy almost as if he was an overgrown baby. Laughter then filled the room. I looked around and noticed that most of the students in the room were affected, including Adrian, Jaz, even Fred and George. "Alright, alright." Lupin spoke getting all of our attention, "I know we weren't really expecting that, well, I wasn't anyway. My apologies! But, shall we move on? Anyone who's boggart just appeared maybe move to the back of the line and give others a chance." Most of the room moved to the back, leaving me in the front. "Ah, Mr Higgins." Lupin smiled at Terence.

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