Thirty Five

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Nini's POV
It was intermission and everyone was getting ready for act 2. It was going fine and I was going to go find Ricky and ask him something.
"Hey Rick!" I yelled out for him,
"hey what's up?" He asked,
"how did the thing go?" I asked him,
"I think it went well. We have nothing to worry about!" He said,
"ok cool! Also please do not give your part to EJ!" I say as a joke,
"I won't!" He says back and I went back into the dressing room and Gina was in there and she did not have the yellow dress for the dance scene. When I get into the dressing room Kayla left and closed the door.
"What's up?" I asked her,
"I just need your help with my dress." She says and she turns to her dress but her dress was not there.
"Umm Gi! Your dress is not there," I tell her,
"but it was two seconds ago!" She says,
"hey it's fine I can just go and get it.." I say and went to the door. I went and opened the door but for some reason it was it opening. "It's not opening." I say,
"what? You are joking!" Gina says and she comes to the door. She tried to open it but it was not opening,
"ok funny!" She says as she turns to me,
"Gina these doors do not lock! And I am a big part of the play too!" I tell her and her look on her face turned to worry.
"Ok is something blocking it?" Gina says,
"we would see it because the door opens our way." I tell her,
"ok so should we panic?" She asked me,
"maybe!" I say and we start to bang on the door. It was really close to showtime and we were still locked in the room.
Ricky's POV
We were all waiting for Nini to come and open up the show after intermission.
"Ricky where is your girlfriend?" Carlos yells at me,
"I don't know!" I yell back and then Zack comes back,
"ok everyone is wondering where Nini is?" Zack says and everyone shakes their head agreeing. "She ran!"
"Wait that is not Nini!" Kourtney says,
"she said something about cheating on you Ricky with Howie!" Zack says, "ok the show must go on!" We started the second act and Kayla took on the role of the mother. I walked down the stairs and who was playing Bell shocked me. It was the little freshman Lily! We went through the scene.
Nini's POV
We were in the dressing room when the closet door opened. And Miss Jenn rolled out,
"Miss Jenn what are you doing in here?" Gina asked,
"I refused to go on with the plan and so Zack locked me in here." Miss Jenn says,
"what is the plan Miss Jenn?" I asked her,
"Zack wanted all of his students to stand out. Zack asked me to let them be in our show. He had dirt on me and I had to let them be in the show. He made the school rehired Mr. Mazzara back and they did. He wanted Kayla to be the mother and Lily to be Bell. I refused for that to happen so I got locked up here." Miss Jenn says,
"wait like Lily who I confined in?" I asked her,
"yeah Zack is Lily's dad." Miss Jenn says,
"ok so we can just assume that Kayla is the mother and Lily is Bell. How did all of our friends be ok with this?" They think that you guys ran out. And Zack used the excuse that you are cheating on Ricky with Howie." Miss Jenn says,
"oh crap!" I say,
"wait are you?" Gina asked me,
"god no!" I say,
"how does no one know we are in here?" Gina asked,
"Zack is not letting anyone over here." Miss Jenn says,
"of course he is." Gina says, "my mom is here to see me in this play!" She said in a distress voice,
"ok we have to get out of here!" I said "now!" And they all agreed. We waited for like a half of hour before we heard voices outside.
"Red and Ash!" We all yelled but the things that we were hearing was good. So we listened,
"look Ash I'm sorry and I want a second chance." Red said,
"Red it's fine and I love you!" Ash said,
"say it back you ding dong!" I said,
"I love you too!" Red said and we start to bang on the door.
"Wait what? Who is in here?" Red asked as he tried to open it,
"Big Red it's Nini, Gina and Miss Jenn! We are trapped in here!" I yell,
"Neens who locked you in there?" Ash asked,
"Zack did." I tell her,
"crap I have to go! Red you got this?" Ash says,
"yeah April is in the booth." Red says as he tries to open the door. After like 10 minutes of trying to open the door he finally opened it.
"Red you are a life saver!" Gina said as me and Gina run to the stage. When we got there it was almost time for Gina and mine duet. Lily saw this and did a good thing and walked toward us. Lily and Gina switched their clothes and I went to find Ricky.
"Rick!" I say and he turned around,
"are you really cheating on me with Howie?" He asked,
"god no! But go and turn off Kayla's mic." I tell him,
"where were you?" He asked,
"Zack locked Gina, Miss Jenn and me in the dressing room! Please go now!" I tell him and he walked up to Kayla and made small talk but he did turn off her mic. Both Gina and me got mic and we got on our marks. Kayla was about to start the song but there was no sound.

Seems like a part of me will always have to lose
Every single time I have to choose
Swore that it felt right, but was I wrong?
Is this where I'm supposed to be at all?
I don't have the answers, not today

It's like nothing makes the questions go away
What I'd give to see
If the grass was greener
On the other side of all I've had and lost
Would it be enough?
Or would I still be wondering?
If I could go back and change the past
Be a little braver than I had
And bet against the odds
Would I still be lost?
Even if I woke up in my dreams
Would there still be something I'm missing?
If I had everything
Would it mean anything to me?
Feels like I might have broke the best thing that I had
I said too much to ever take it back
Scared I'll never find something as good
And would I even know it if I could?
From the other side of all I've had and lost
Would it be enough?
Or would I still be wondering?
Or would I still be wondering? Oh
If I could go back and change the past
Be a little braver than I had
And bet against the odds
Would I still be lost?
Even if I woke up in my dreams
Would there still be something I'm missing?
If I had everything
Would it mean anything?
Maybe I should turn around and take the other road
Or maybe I'm just looking for what I already know
I'm just wondering
If I could go back and change the past
Be a little braver than I had
And bet against the odds
Would I still be lost?
Even if I woke up in my dreams
Would there still be something I'm missing?
If I had everything
Would it mean anything to me?
Would it be enough?
Or would I still be wondering?
By the end Kayla stormed off the stage!
"How are they out?" Zack asked Howie,
"we got out!" I told them and next time you asked us to be in our production just don't even try. The rest in of the show went be fine and we were doing the final bow. After it was done the curtains were not closing and with the curtains open we cannot leave the stage. But I saw EJ and Ricky go backstage for a sec and Red met them back there. Kourtney came up to me and told me to stay right there.
"What's happening?" I asks Kourtney,
"just you wait!" She said and EJ and Red came out
with a sign that we could not see. Then Ricky cape our with his guitar.
"What is he doing?" I asked Kourtney and Ricky begins to play something and I notice it was instantly.

Sometimes you know exactly what to say
Then you open your mouth and the words go away
Don't want you to wonder or to doubt or guess
So let me tell you clearly what I'm tryna express
It's just three little words, yeah, it's not a big deal
It's not like I can help feelin' all that I feel
And by now, I'm sure you're thinking it's so obvious
But just in case it's not, what I'm sayin' is this, what I'm sayin' is this
I think I kinda, you know
I think I kinda, you know
Like the way that we flow
Like the way that we go
And I love
I think I kinda, you know
I think I kinda, you know
Mm, I think I kinda, you know, you know, you know
You know how we can talk all night
And not run out of things to talk about
It's rare that somethin' feels this right
It feels so right
I think I kinda, you know
I think I kinda, you know, you know, you know
I think I kinda, you know
I think I kinda, you know
I think I kinda, you know, you know, you know
I can't help dreamin' of you
Guess I'm sayin' I don't not love you
You know, you know, you know
And after the song the sign was flipped over and it said "I think I kind of wanna go to prom with you! Do you wanna go to prom with me?"
"Do you wanna go to prom with me?" Ricky asked me,
"yes!" I say as I hug him.

Authors note:
The epilogue is gonna be out later today! I hope you liked this chapter. It's a long chapter! 
                                                     Lots of Love, Lily

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