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LAWRENCE GAZES at the retreating figure of his brother unable to decide whether to run after him and pump sense into him logically or whether to punch him until he eventually inhales sense

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LAWRENCE GAZES at the retreating figure of his brother unable to decide whether to run after him and pump sense into him logically or whether to punch him until he eventually inhales sense.

He cannot yet decide which one will be the more effective option but he still does not go for either. Instead, he remains rooted on the spot, watching without blinking as his brother stops beside her.

He can only see her back. She's leaning forward, writing something in a book. When his brother speaks, she freezes but then relaxes, shutting the book she was writing on with extreme force.

Lawrence watches, holding his breath as his brother walks around from behind the girl to her direct line of sight.

If Lawrence thought the girl froze when his brother spoke, then it's nothing compared to how she goes completely still when his brother walks into her line of sight.

Lawrence groans audibly, causing a few heads to turn to him but he doesn't care. All he wishes is that his brother will have enough sense to abort this incredulous mission.

This was an extremely bad idea. They should have stuck to the original plan; acting like she doesn't exist and try not to cross paths—atleast that one was working wonders.

But then again, Lawrence can't help but chuckle a little at how clueless the girl is to her sorrounding. A dozen times, they have come as close to crossing paths as a pin hole, yet she never, not even once, paid a second glance to him.

They have been in the same class for weeks now— ever since he and Col did the inter-university transfer from NU—Nairobi University.

Lawrence watches as his brother continues to speak to an unresponsive girl. Lawrence doesn't know much about the history Col has with this girl but judging by the little information Col gave him, then he knows for sure that the girl must be angry at Col's audacity, let alone the fact that he spoke to her.

He doesn't even know why he's supporting this insanity except that he always does what his brother asks. Lawrence could have said no to his brother—but there's a soft spot in his heart that causes him to give in more times than he'd like. Eventually, he always, always gives in—as he did this morning when his brother asked him to wear similar outfits yet again—despite having already laid down the outfits he would wear.

Col did explain why he needed Lawrence to wear similar outfits as him—albeit vaguely —but every morning, he always finds himself laying down a different outfit, silently hoping that Col let him off this look-alike leash just once. Afterall, it doesn't hurt to hope.

Lawrence should have known. He should have known this was the reason Col insisted so much to wear similar outfits and tie up his locs. But he can barely see any solution presented by this similar-outfit fiasco except that they now look like the same person.

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