Chapter 16: First And Final Splatfest

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~A few days after the big fight~

~3s POV~

10.30am. I woke up to the sound of birds chirping; I was doing better since the fight. I got out of bed, slipped on my slippers and went to the living room. "Goodmorning Cora." Tobias got up from the couch and gave me a hug, then a kiss. I blushed as he continued what he was saying. "How is my princess doing?" He walked over to the table and picked up a plate of French toast. He passed it over to me and we sat on the couch looking at TV together. "I'm doing great. Im not as paranoid now that Octavios been defeated." "Well that's good isn't it." Tobias said.

There was nothing on TV that was interesting, so we put off the hook on to see if anything interesting was happening.

Pearl: Y'all know what time it is!
Marina: It's Off The Hook, coming at you live from Inkopolis Square!
Pearl: Yo, Marina! Tell the people the good news before we introduce the stages!
Marina: Huh? Like, right now? Um... What was the good news again?
Pearl: You know... The single most important celebration of our culture? The spla-
Pearl: Ding ding ding! We've got a splatfest coming up quick!
Marina: Splatfests always get my ink pumping! I've gotta get my gear ready!

I jumped up and screamed. A new splatfest! I couldn't wait to introduce Tobias to them, and get to play with him during one!

Pearl: Yo, Marina. What's the splatfest theme this time?
Marina: Aaaaaah... I'm to nervous to look. You do it.
Pearl: Fine. The splatfest theme is... WHAT?!
Marina: What is it, Pearlie? What's the theme?! TELL MEEEEE!
Pearl: Ok, here it comes. The splatfest theme is....

We waited in suspense. What was the theme? I wanted to know! I couldn't wait! I was bieng impacient, but then it showed up on screen.

Chaos VS Order

Pearl: The Splatocalypse is upon us!
Marina: AHHHHHHHHHH! Its the final splatfest!

Wait.... The final splatfest.... No, no, no. They can't do this to us! This would be my last, and Tobias' First and Final splatfest. I slumped down on the couch. I was exited that there was a new splatfest, but dissapointed this was also the last.

Pearl: What kind of world do you wanna live in? A world of chaos? Or a world of order?

We sat there in silence as we continued watching. Pearl and Marina started arguing on which side was better, so we turned the TV off and started to talk about the splatfest. "What's a splatfest?" Tobias asked. I forgot all about the fact he didn't know what they were. "Well, it's normal Turf war matches, but with a certain theme. This time it's Chaos VS Order. Chaos being a gold colour and Order being a pearly colour." He nodded and thought for a few seconds. "What team are you gonna join?" He asked me as he took my plate to the kitchen. I had finished my breakfast as we were watching TV. "Well, im definitely choosing Chaos!" "Well I'm going to do the same then. I wonder what Leon, Sonia and Lance are choosing." Tobias wondered as he came back to the couch and sat next to me. "Well why don't we go and pick up our t-shirts for chaos, and then find out." I gave him the idea, and he agreed. So we grabbed our stuff and went to the square so we could pick up our t-shirts. It was now 12.30, 2 hours since I first got up.

"Hey guys!" Sonia ran over after calling out to us. "You guys choosing chaos?! Well, looks like we are enemies for the next 72 hours then." She laughed as she held up her order t-shirt. "Leon is playing private battles with Lance right now, he wants to get better for splatfest. "I'm assuming you and Leon are the same team." I said to Sonia, and she nodded. "What about Lance?" Tobias added onto our conversation. "I think he's chaos. I'm not sure though." We chatted for a bit before walking up to the turf war arena to see Leon and Lance, and also participate in some battles. It was splatfest after all.

"Hey Little sis!" Lance walked out of the arena with Leon. Then Leon started laughing as he went over to Sonia to get his Order t-shirt from her. "Why are you laughing Leon?" I asked him and he didn't say, he just kept laughing. "So I heard my little sister has grown up, shes got a boyfriend." Leon laughed even more as Lance said it to me. "You told him that me and Tobias are dating?! I was gonna do it myself, damm you Leon." Tobias chuckled a little and so did Sonia. Leon was still laughing and Lance laughed along as well. I was annoyed at Leon but also embarrassed. Tobias walked to beside me and held my hand, then I put my head on his shoulder, and he put his on my head. We both started blushing and Lance stopped laughing, so did Leon and Sonia. Sonia was so happy that I had got with him, Leon was shocked that we just did that and Lance was speechless. That was until he spoke the few words that annoyed me alot, "Awwwwww. Lovebirds. Or should I say agents in love!" He laughed and could see I was clearly annoyed at him. "Anyway, you guys wanna do turf war for a couple of hours?" Everyone said yes, so we headed of to the arena where it would be me, Tobias, and Lance against Sonia and Leon. We obviously had random people in as well, as we couldn't get clout for our teams or points to level up our ranks if we didn't play non private matches.

~3 hours later~

~8s POV~

Splatfest is amazing! It was disappointing that this was my first and final splatfest. The colour of team chaos as Cora said was a gold colour, and order was a pearly colour --i say silver but Cora disagrees. We had decided last match that this would be our last match of the day before we split up and went home. It was 3.45pm. We had spent most of the day chatting with friends as well as playing games. Our final match map was MC.Princess Diaries.

It was a map with a large platform in the middle, along with bombs spread across the map the opposite team could explode to spray ink in the surrounding area. As the bell went off, signalling the start of the match, me and Cora went for the bombs straight away. I sprayed ink across the map so Cora could swim over and explode the bomb. "Infront of you Cora!" I shouted over as Sonia appeared and splatted her. Charging up my shot, I took an aim and splatted Sonia. Lance then swam over and took Leon out, as well as exploding the bomb. We aimed for the 2 bombs that were in their base, but we struggled to get them as we kept getting rushed by the opposing team.

Finally, the clock struck the 1 minute countdown. But something was different.

"It's the voice to end all voices!"

And Pearl came down from the sky, in the centre with her special ready. Everyone rushed over, but I got to her first. So I told her to fire up her special and aim it toward the enemies base. She screamed booyah, just like she did while fighting Tar Tar, and sent ink flying their way. Not just that, I got a whole team knockout, giving us time to ink more ground to win.

Game ended

The results came in, and we won! Thanks to Pearl's ultimate Woomy, we won the game! This ranked me, Cora and Lance up to Chaos Champions. Next up is Chaos Kings and Queens. "Thanks for the great games you guys." I told Lance, Sonia and Leon, and they said no problem. "Well it's 3.50pm now, looks like we should all go home for a bit and rest. We've got more splatting to do tomorrow!" Leon said as he swiveled his dulies around on his fingers. "See you tommorow then, Bye!" Cora and I walked away after waving and headed back home. We held hands all the way there of course, after all we were dating.

We both sat on the couch and ate some chocolate while playing games on Cora's Switch. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, 1 2 switch, Super smash bros, Minecraft and Animal Crossing new horizons. We played for a few hours before deciding to have dinner.

Ending up ordering takeaway meant we were watching films again. It arrived quickly, so we started to eat, side by side on the couch, while watching movies we loved.

~an hour later~

It was 10.30pm, and we had watched 2 movies, our 3rd one although was stopped. Why? Cora had fallen asleep on me, while snuggling with me. I stayed on the couch for a few minutes before picking her up and taking her to her bedroom. Placing her in her bed, I kissed her forehead and said, "Goodnight sweetheart." I left the room as quietly as I could and shut the door behind me. I then proceeded to turn the TV off and go to my room. I changed into my pjs, then layed on my bed. I started to think about everything that had happend to me so far: Escaping the Metro, stopping Tar Tar, becoming an official agent, stopping Octavio, getting a girlfriend.

Nothing could possibly go wrong, could it?

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