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I was quiet for most of the flight I kept on thinking about my eye and how stupid I would look if that scratch became a scar and how I wasn't a real hero like Kara.Hey you ok back there Kara asked I didn't say anything.Instead of going straight back to the DEO Kara flew up onto a huge hill over looking the city.Ounce she landed I slid off of her back and walked over to the side of the hill and sat down on the ground.safira are you ok Supergirl asked walking over to me and sitting down next to me.I shook my head in response as I looked at the amazing view before me.Whats bothering you Sweetheart She said taking my hand.I sighed heavily as I began to talk about what was on my mind.Kara I'm going to look so stupid if the scratch above my eye became a scar I said sadly and I'm also not a real hero like you all I did was stop a bank robbery and that was it.Oh safira come here she said putting her arms around me I leaned my head on her shoulder and just sadly looked at the view.First of all Kara said still looking forward you will not look stupid if it does turn into a scar Yes I will I said trying to protest no you won't Kara said because to me you're beautiful no matter what you really think so I said looking up at her oh I know so she said smiling down at me I smiled back up at her as she kissed my head and second of all she said sternly you're a hero at heart and your a spectacular hero just like me.I sadly nodded as I leaned my head on her shoulder.You know if it makes you feel better we could be partners if you want she said I would Love that I said She wrapped her arms around me Ounce more and I curled up in her arms as well and fell asleep to her heart beat.I woke up alone in my bed the next morning.I turned into a cougar so I could stretch then I turned back to normal so I could get out of bed.As I started to get up I could hear the tv on in the living room I looked at my alarm clock on my night stand beside my bed it read 10:30 am.Kara should be at work I thought.I got out of bed and turned into a cougar just in case.I crept  down the hallway slowly and quietly as I could.All of a sudden the bord beneath my paw creaked and Kara immediately sat up and looked over her shoulder at me.I let out a sigh of relief when I saw her instead of someone else.She looked at me lovingly and smiled as I changed back to my normal self.I walked over to her and sat down on the floor beside the couch by her head.Kara had on a button down shirt that was unbuttoned and showing her super suit.The news was on the tv showing the recent bank robbery what was Ounce a symbol of hope is now a symbol of fear Supergirl arrived earlier this morning at the scene of a crime but instead of the normal cheers she was greeted with fear the reporter said they said that Supergirl was under a drug when she attacked the city but she turned on the city Ounce who knows if she would turn on us again.I looked over at Kara who looked extremely sad.Called in sick I asked her she nodded sadly as she took a bite of her donut.That bad huh I said looking into the box of donuts and taking one of them out and eating it.She looked at me and nodded again sadly this time she had a tear rolling down her face.I immediately grabbed a napkin put my donut on top of it set it on the coffee table then I jumped onto the couch moved up to her head then I laid my head down onto her chest nuzzling her.She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close.I don't care what people think about you I said with my eyes still closed.Im not scared of you and I never will be You have my full support and help on the battle field and here and if anyone gives you trouble then they'll have to come talk to me ok so cheer up because you get to spend the whole day with me she smiled at me and then kissed my head.Your so sweet sweet girl thanks for the support but I've got to go to the deo she said removing a lock of hair out of my face oh I said sadly but Theres no way I'm letting you go to your friends house today.I want you to be there by my side today on the battle field and besides you're bandage comes off today.I gave her a worried look don't worry I will be right there with you when they do take it off she said as she kissed my head.I smiled at her and she smiled back.

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