Zed did something stupid

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Ah yes, Election Day. The day Seabrook High has been waiting for. Said no one ever. With Bucky and Zed fighting for top stop conversations grew dull, but now the conversations were changing to Addison's new look. Which was not received well by the public.

"Is that Addison?" Melody asks as said girl struts past us with her head held high. "Check her out!" Jackson's comment caught the attention of the other pack members, who were paying attention. "She looks amazing!" Adam states loudly catching the attention of the Aceys as they rush to stop Addison from walking further into the school.

"Whoa!" Lacey says causing Addison to take a few steps back with a scowl on her face. "Bad Hair Day?" Stacey questions sarcastically looking over at JC. "Bad Hair Life." JC's pathetic attempt at an insult makes the two other Aceys turn to look at him.

"I think it looks great," Addison says doing a hair flip to show her hair off. "Yeah, not so much. Addison, if you ever expect to be Cheer Captain--" Stacey starts to say as she checks her nails before Addison cuts her off with anger in her tone. "Well, maybe I don't. Maybe Cheer isn't for me after all."

Has she lost her mind? She was going to throw away her entire life on a chance!? She doesn't know that she is the Great Alpha! Oh boy, when Bucky finds out about this he is not going to be happy, and not because she's quitting Cheer.

"Dang girl!" Melody comments making Darcy smack her shoulder. "She's losing her mind, right?" I look over to Will, who just shrugs in response. After the Aceys leave Zed comes running over, looking like he is desperate for something.

"Addison! I was up all night thinking, you're not a werewolf. You can't be." Zed claims. "But I love moonlight strolls," Addison said as if that suddenly made her a werewolf. I am, in fact, a werewolf and I hate moonlight strolls. "Yeah, you like sunsets too. That doesn't mean you're a vampire." Zed looked at her like she was crazy, which was almost the exact face I was making. "Look. It's really hard being considered a monster. Trust me." Zed says holding onto Addison's shoulder.

"All I've ever wanted is to find my pack, and now I finally have. When I see the wolves, I'm going to put this on, and I'm sorry I can't make the debate, but I need to find the wolves. Good luck." Addison said trying to explain everything to Zed before walking away from a heartbroken Zed.

Addison shows the necklace to Zed but gets so worked up that she walks away without the box before going back to Zed grabbing to box and assumably, the Moonstone Necklace inside. "Whoops, almost forgot. You'll do great, Zed."

"Adam, Darcy, Will you guys go find Will and the others, and Willa that I sent you to help with the Moonstone search? Melody and Jackson you both come with me. Something is up, and I think Zed has something to do with it." I said as I walked backward toward the debate located in the gym.

With the others

"Willa! Allie sent us to help you guys in your search. What can we do?" Will asks the Alpha of the other pack. "The demolition is scheduled for 5 pm this evening, we don't have much time," Willa said looking at the entire group. "This is how we sabotage the demolition and stop them," Darcy said pointing to a map of the site. "It's my responsibility to make sure we're all safe. We follow my lead." Willa claims as she puts a hand on Wyatt's shoulder. "It's a good plan, Willa," Wyatt says looking at his sister.

So emerced in their plan they don't notice when Addison walks up to the large group of wolves. "What plan?" Addison questions feeling left out of "her" pack. "We're going after the Moonstone. Top Secret. You can't tell anyone." Wynter stops talking realising what she had just told the white-haired girl before scolding herself. "Bad Wolf! Bad Wolf!"

"You're going after the Moonstone now?" Addison asks like it is her business. "It won't survive the demolition," Wyatt says with a worried look on his face for the fate of both packs if the Moonstone is destroyed. "Then let me join you! I'm ready to become a wolf." Addison claims with a smile on her face that she won the lottery. "If you are one," Willa says skeptically.

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