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Happy Freaky Friday, folks!


The truth has been revealed! What do you think? How do you think this will all transpire?

How do you think Jana and the rest of the girls will react?

And how did she get that way?

Y'all, I'll be quite honest. I've been having troubles writing so hopefully this weekend will make up for that. I didn't post on Tuesday or Thursday because the week has been stressful so I'll update Friday through Sunday! 😁

Anyway, please see the triggers that are in the summary of this book!

Anyway, you may continue! 💜🤫

Okay, so maybe I shouldn't have said anything about my pregnancy to Jana so fast. Especially after a wild sex high. She barely uses that dildo and decides to pull it out-

Jess, you forgot that it's Submission Saturday. Anything goes. 

Anyway, Jana paused on her way to the bathroom to slowly turn to me with widened eyes. Like she had just seen a ghost and didn't know what the hell to do. To be honest, I didn't know what I was thinking when the topic was brought up. Really, I didn't know what I was thinking when I attempted to plan all of this.

Yeah, I technically planned this pregnancy and my plan was to talk to Jana about this. However, I was afraid to speak to her on the topic because she's not big on kids. She probably wouldn't have listened to me and, if she did, she would have made excuses on why we shouldn't have a child together.

We were just like any other couple. We deserved to have children. I probably fucked up here too, but I also thought that she would leave me or not be focused on our relationship again.

My trust in her had diminished. She tells me anything and expects me to just automatically believe her. What if she cheated on me again? That would be the one time I'd lose my mind.

So, I had a child, thinking it would keep her around. Why wouldn't she stick around for this one? Fourth time's the charm, right?

Here I was thinking that Jana would really not like the idea of having a kid. It was harder for us to have children since our relationship isn't so looked up to where we're from. We wouldn't be able to adopt and the sperm bank would have taken way too long. Speaking of the sperm bank, what if I got a disease or an STD or worse?

I didn't want to take the risk so, a while ago, Leo donated his sperm and I injected it with a syringe. Technically, I didn't cheat. Leo's sperm is so fertile. He got me pregnant three times before but we lost them so I figured he could get me pregnant again. Got my wish.

Anyway, Jana stood there and looked at me with so much shock in her eyes that the life in her just left her or she just froze up like a damn icicle. Of course, she wasn't excited about this at the moment.

"Please tell me this is just some after-bomb-sex talk and you're joking," Jana spat as she finally unfroze and got closer to me.

Is this bitch serious? Who would say they're pregnant after having some hot ass sex and be joking? Can you imagine that? Who gets turned on by someone once they say they're pregnant during sex? It's like someone doing it doggystyle moaning out 'Oh baby, I'm so pregnant' and the other partner gets off. Who does that?

This was no kind of sex talk. This was the real deal. The real shebang. I was knocked the fuck up.

"Jay, I'm serious. We're having a baby...SURPRISE!" I let out with a fake ass smile on my face.

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