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Mr. Hall didn't technically have a seating chart, so over the past few weeks, Tyler had moved back one desk at a time. Eventually, he reached the desk right in front of mine and now he sits there every day. English is my favorite class.

"So we're done with our Romeo and Juliet unit. We've discussed a little bit as a class, answered a few questions here and there. So now comes the big question," Mr. Hall said as he picked up his own textbook and held it up. "I mean quite literally, the big question. It's in big black letters at the end of the section. Am I right?"

Weak laughter resonated through the classroom.

"Okay," Mr. Hall shook off his terrible joke and released the projecter screen. It zipped up to reveal the writing on the board, which Mr. Hall read aloud: "William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is considered by many to be the greatest love story of all time. Do you believe this to be true? Why or why not?" Mr. Hall set his textbook down and leaned his elbows on his podium. "Thoughts?"

One girl raised her hand to answer and Mr. Hall pointed in her direction. "Yes, Jess."

"Well, I think that Romeo and Juliet is the greatest love story of all time. They loved each other so much that they would rather die than be apart, so I'd say that that sacrifice is the most romantic notion that Shakespeare could have written."

I didn't talk very much in English (or in any of my classes really) but even though Jess was a really nice girl, what she had said was ridiculous. I raised my hand.

Mr. Hall saw it. "Good thought, Jess. Next, alley cat Caley." What a goof.

"I understand how Romeo and Juliet might be acknowledged as the basis for the romance genre, but it couldn't be the best love story of all time. Romeo and Juliet didn't love each other- they barely knew each other. There's a difference between lust and love, and love wasn't it. Maybe it could have been eventually, but their passion could more likely be blamed on their hormones acting up or wanting to rebel against their parents. I don't know, something like that. Romeo and Juliet isn't the greatest love story of all time."

The class looked at me like I'd walked up to Jess and stabbed her in the back. Even Tyler didn't say anything. I might be a little pretentious, but I'm not the unapologetic sass that drops bombs, snaps her fingers and walks out the door, and Jess' expression looked like I really had assaulted her.

"Sorry." I wasn't sure who that was supposed to be directed towards. Probably Jess.

Mr. Hall regained the attention of the class. "No need to apologize, Caley. Both of you spoke your minds, so we thank you for your courage, right class? Okay, anybody else?"


The dance was in a week, so Madeline insisted that she assist me in choosing a dress, claiming that, as my older sister, it was her calling in life to make me look my best, as long as I didn't look better than her. That would never be an issue between the two of us. Madeline had already gotten hers, a red number with roses on the one shoulder. She looked gorgeous in it.

I was having more trouble finding mine. I'd tried on dress after dress only for my sister to send me back to the fitting room with a dozen more. I was getting all prom dressed out. I was too pale for the pastel ones, too uncomfortable in the tight ones. My legs were too short for the short dresses, and the one black one that I liked was $800. Yikes.

"Just a few more," Madeline promised as she dropped more dresses in my arms and led me by the shoulders back to the fitting rooms. Even once I was inside, she kept talking.

"God, Caley, I can't believe you're going to prom with a date! I mean, I wouldn't have been surprised if we were in Arizona. You're not nearly as introverted when we're in Arizona. Remember when you went to Sweethearts with that one guy? What was his name?"

"Samuel," I called out, trying to zip the back of the dress.

She continued. "I mean, maybe I would have made you come with our group to Prom- god knows I can't go with a date when I have Caden back home, even though this one girl did tell me that this guy Trevor was going to ask me...Caley, are you done yet? Which one are you putting on?"

I walked out in the green one. It was dark green and very simple, just a strapless, floor length dress. It wasn't big and it wasn't sparkly. It was perfect for me. If Madeline didn't approve of this one, I no longer trusted her judgement.

"Caley, that dress is perfect. Let's get that one," she grabbed my hand and began to pull me towards the register. She approved. "We're buying you a prom dress! Oh my god, I'm so excited for you. I-"

"Wait Madeline, I have to change back into my normal clothes first."


AN- It's Penny. Just a quick question for you. As you might have noticed, I thought about starting to add pictures in the sidebar either for fun or for clarification purposes. Are they helping or hurting? I understand if some readers prefer to conjure their own images in their head. Is this something I should continue or not?

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